Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Harvey Putter and the Ridiculous Premise

I'm not making this up. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1161421/

"Celebrity teen wizard Harvey Putter and his friends learn that they are merely characters in a best-selling book and must magically escape their world before the final chapter."

I think I'll go see it.  It's supposed to be out in July.

Why am I stuck in the Harry Potter phase right now?  A couple of reasons...  I decided to read all of the books again from the beginning, for the second time.  So I have been doing that without actually buying the books, just sitting and reading them at Barnes & Noble.  Since I can only read a few books at a time, it's been nothing but Harry Potter for a while now.

I also have them on video, and again, I only have a small number of videos, and I try to avoid buying lots of them.  I don't like having lots of clutter, and also, with the chemical sensitivity and contamination problems, I don't like to buy lots of 'stuff' to have sitting around the house getting ruined.  I've had to throw so many things away, I'm reluctant to buy anything.  But I'm more likely to buy something if it's part of a series and I have other videos from that same series.

I'll probably read the 'His Dark Materials' books sometime, but not necessarily right now.  I don't know what I'll read next.  It might be something random.

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