Wednesday, June 3, 2009

That meatball sub was just as disgusting as I thought it would be!

How could I not have noticed that the package was rectangular instead of square?

I can't eat meatballs. I think they are some kind of pork sausage, and for some reason, pork sausage almost always nauseates me. After about three bites, I feel like I'm going to throw up. I like ground beef though, in hamburgers. And I like pork ribs. But pork sausage doesn't agree with me. I've had certain brands, like this one kind of certified-organic sausage, where I was able to eat it. But then, the next time I bought that brand, it nauseated me again, like usual.

So I was able to eat some of the sandwich, but I removed more than half of the meatballs, and then broke the remaining meatballs into smaller chunks, so there would be less meatball per bite. I tried to keep as much of the sauce as I could. I didn't finish the whole sandwich, so I put it in the fridge (after making sure the door was closed all the way).

If there was anything at all on the menu that would qualify as THE LAST THING ON EARTH that I would ever order, it was the meatball sub. I really mean it, I could imagine myself ordering almost every other item, except that.

Well, I still have the orange juice and the Hostess Ho-Hos left. Yes, I eat those sometimes, just not every day. I only eat them if I get one small package of them from the convenience store, because if I buy a whole big box of them at the grocery store, I will eat nothing but Twinkies/Ho-Hos/whatever all day, every day, until they're gone. Then I'm hyper and unable to focus.

I cannot have a whole big box of snack foods in the house without eating them constantly. So I pay a higher price per snack, paying for the luxury of artificial self-restraint, that once the snack is eaten, there aren't any more left to eat afterwards. Buying one item at a time, instead of a whole box, serves a purpose. Sure, it's cheaper and more efficient to buy a whole box, but I won't get the added value of self-restraint, that after it's gone, I won't continue to eat a dozen of them.

Well, time to calm down and get ready for work. I might be a little bit grouchy today. (I had a good laugh, though.)

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