Tuesday, February 23, 2010

gratitude for my housekeeper

My house-helper guy got out of the hospital and he was able to come over to help me today. I found out that he, too, was having chest pains. But he was having them before, starting sometime last year.

With me, it coincided with the snowfall. I have a bizarre theory. I think that humid, warm air rises from the local mountains, which are covered with rhododendrons, and then it brings rhododendron poison with it up into the clouds that become snow, which then falls down and poisons large numbers of people at the same time. This is only one bizarre theory as to why people might have heart attacks during snowstorms and wintertime. It could be tested - you could look for extremely low levels of grayanotoxin in snow.

There are all sorts of theories as to why people have more heart attacks in the wintertime. Weston Price talked about the winter heart attacks too, and he said it coincided with the cow's milk having the lowest level of vitamins in it, during the time when the cows weren't able to graze on grass and they were stuck in their stalls eating hay and grain instead. So he thought that poorer nutrition, lower quality milk, left people more vulnerable to things like heart attacks. So, everybody has their theory for wintertime heart attacks. I don't really agree with his theory, and I doubt that many people would agree with my theory, either.

Anyway, my housekeeper helped me clean out the fridge. We used Pine-Sol, on his recommendation. I had a mask over my face so I could breathe. I have fear attacks when I smell the bone marrow adrenaline (or whatever hormone - it might be erythropoietin or some other hormone, if I've spelled that correctly).

All of my 'precancerous' areas got irritated by the bone marrow. My 'benign' basal cell carcinomas, on my cheeks and nose, all got irritated and they have been red and itchy for days. My breasts are hurting again, the same way they did after I got the bisphenol-A plastic dental fillings. I don't know if it was a hormone that irritated the precancerous areas, or whether it was caused by bone marrow stem cells.

(The last one is a HUGE pdf file, so I put a link to a short summary page above it. I didn't read these, I only glanced quickly at them.)

Carcinogenesis Driven by Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cells


MMP-9 Supplied by Bone Marrow–Derived Cells Contributes to Skin Carcinogenesis

I thought of cancer because I started hearing voices telling me that bone marrow was a 'potent carcinogen.' Sometimes the voices lie, and sometimes they tell me the truth, so I am always skeptical. So I looked it up to see if there was anything on google about bone marrow being carcinogenic. And indeed I am feeling all these little painful spots in areas where I've had 'precancerous' areas in the past, or hormone-sensitive areas, or whatever.

If bone marrow really is carcinogenic, it would explain why Asians have a lot of stomach cancer. I'd read about that several times in the past, and then I read it again in Nourishing Traditions. I don't recall what her theory was about why they had lots of stomach cancer. But they do use bone marrow as part of 'Traditional Chinese Medicine'. So that could be another theory.

While my housekeeper was inside cleaning out the fridge, I went out to my car to get some cardboard out of the trunk. I met a neighbor, who saw me wearing gloves and with my face mask pulled down hanging around my neck. I was embarrassed and felt that I needed to explain why I had a face mask and gloves on, so I told her I was having an allergic reaction to something ('allergic reaction' is the phrase that I use whenever I need to make a long story short) and I told her I was chemical sensitive and had a bad reaction to something I cooked. She asked what it was, and I said, once again feeling weird, that I had tried to cook bone marrow. She said (surprise surprise) she'd eaten it before and hadn't had any problem. It seems like everyone's eaten bone marrow without any problems, except me.

So she talked with me about where to buy better quality local meat, which actually was something I had wanted to know anyway. She told me about a little store in Millheim which I think I remember seeing while driving my car and exploring. I think it was Nittany Valley Meats, or something - it sounded familiar. She said that the meats from there tasted better and were better quality than the grocery store meats.

Anyway, I haven't really tested the fridge yet, but it's been mostly cleaned out. I don't trust it, and I will probably need to clean it again. But it's better than it was.

I also had some stuff in the sink, because I was trying to skim off the foam off the top of the broth I was trying to make, and I poured the little spoonfuls of foam into the sink, and so it sat there vaporizing fumes and making a disgusting, revolting smell that made me sick. He cleaned out the sink too.

I can do the cleaning up much better if somebody is with me and I'm not alone. I had a reaction, I felt the fear attack, but I wasn't worried that I would die by myself with nobody to call the ambulance.

There aren't as many 'evil spirits' in my apartment as there were. I like the idea of explaining evil spirits that way: real, physical hormone vapors rising from dead bodies and bones, hormones that fill you with fear and terror, that only some people react to, people who are hypersensitive to those things, while other people are mostly immune.

When I dropped him off, I had already paid him and thanked him several times, and then I also shook his hand. I am very, very grateful for the help.

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