Monday, February 15, 2010

Troubleshooting Weston Price: Bone marrow and fish eggs

(*6/21/11 Edit: This is one of my most popular posts, and it's very useful information that a lot of people are looking for.  However, most of the people looking for this are not looking for pages about electronic harassment - they just want to find out about the dangers and difficulties of using the Weston Price diet.  I actually want to write more about this in the future, because it's very important, but I have been busy and haven't had time lately, because it's actually a rather large project that I have in mind.  So if you read this, just ignore the descriptions of my experiences of electronic harassment - hearing voices, and the feeling of being controlled as a 'puppet' - because it is not connected to my observations and experiences of eating bone marrow and caviar.*)

(*Since the time when I wrote this, I have come to suspect that the fish eggs were hard to eat because they might contain 'amines.'  Amines are a category of chemicals.  They often occur in meats, especially meats that are not fresh.  Histamine is one type of amine, and it can cause you to experience the symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as feeling the need to vomit.  Amines might have caused some of my experiences that I wrote about here, but then again, I do not know what causes it, and it could be many things.  I still suspect it is a hormone of some kind.  The same thing happens to me when I smell blood, for instance, if a person has had an accident, or if I drive by a deer that has been killed on the road - I feel like I am going to faint.  Blood comes from bone marrow, so there is a connection between them, and whatever chemical it is in blood that causes people to faint, it is also in bone marrow.  So the vomit-inducing chemicals might be amines, or they might be something else entirely.*)

I can't talk without being controlled, and they are trying to write every single word that I say for me. So, this is not my blog post - it's someone else's. Other personas are in here.

I am trying new things to learn how to use the Weston Price diet. It's not really one diet, it's just a collection of observations about how primitive cultures ate, and so it's actually a wide variety of different diets.

Weston Price gave a general, overall view, but he did not explain lots of details, and he also did not give warnings or dangers. I would like to still follow the overall idea, as a guideline, but the details need troubleshooting, and those details can be extremely dangerous. Several of the books (not just Weston Price, but others associated with this movement) talk about eating bone marrow broth or using soup bones. I have never used them before and didn't grow up using them, so I haven't been familiar with what they do to you if you don't prepare them properly.

The first time I tried soup bones, months ago, I didn't eat a large amount. Instead, I took a knife, and ate a tiny pinpoint-sized fragment out of the marrow part of the bone, and I ate it raw. I'm not used to foods being 'medicinal.' I'm used to eating foods that don't cause any particular strong reaction. Bone marrow is not a food - it's a drug. It is in the 'medicinal' category of foods. You do not eat it by the mouthful. You eat it in pieces that are as small as the period at the end of this sentence, and even that might be too much.

I handled tobacco plants a couple of years ago and contaminated many of my belongings with transdermal tobacco residues. Whenever I hit a bit of that residue, I get a wake-me-up jolt feeling and something that feels like high blood pressure, which lasts for several hours. And that first time I handled the soup bones, I did, in fact, have some of the tobacco residue nearby, and I thought that I must have accidentally gotten it on my hands before eating the marrow, because the marrow triggered that same reaction. So I dismissed it as a contamination incident, instead of thinking it was the marrow itself. I have had other incidents where I ate something that had been sitting on a residue-contaminated area, and I accidentally ate some of the tobacco residue and almost got sick because of the strong reaction to it.

The discomfort was so unbearable, I had to go outside and take a walk for a couple of hours. I felt like I was going to die. But again, I thought it was just another residue contamination incident where I got some of the drugs on my food.

I tried beef bone marrow again today. This time I cooked it. Maybe I didn't cook it long enough - it might have to be cooked for a very long time to neutralize the hormones. I cooked it in water, trying to make a broth. Again, I ate a tiny pinpoint-sized fragment which was, maybe, an eighth of an inch long. I didn't have a bad reaction, and I ate a tiny bit more. I was being warned and cautioned by voices talking to me, telling me not to eat a lot of it, only a tiny bit, and to watch for the reaction.

It hits you after a couple minutes - less than five minutes. It doesn't happen right away. Maybe there are only a few specialized cells in there, and the rest of the bone marrow would be okay. Maybe only a few special areas produce the hormone. But it happened again. It gave me an intense, terrifying panic attack, and a wake-me-up effect, similar to tobacco. It's a tingling feeling of something flooding through your whole body.

Then, you feel the fear and pain of the animal being killed. You feel the trauma that it felt as it was dying, and you feel like you yourself are dying. I felt my eyebrows move into a facial expression of sadness and grief - it was involuntary - I felt my eyesight darkening as though I were about to die. I didn't actually feel physical pain. Instead I felt trauma. It was a feeling that something terrible and irreversible was happening to me, the feeling of death. Something terrible, so bad that it could not be undone.

Why does all this happen? Because the animal you are eating uses the same hormones, and has the same emotions, that you do. Every feeling you have ever felt, good and bad, exists somewhere inside the body of this animal. They all come from hormones and chemicals, and they all come from some particular part of the body. If you ate parts of the brain, you would feel the hormones and moods of the brain. I haven't tried it, but you would probably feel strange sensations of thinking somebody else's thoughts.

These warnings need to be given, because the diet talks about eating organs and bones of the animals, and using every part of the animal. They really do it, it's true. Primitive cultures really do use all the parts of the animal. But there are very strict rules about how they are prepared. I haven't successfully eaten bone marrow without this terrible reaction, but I think maybe you have to cook it for a very, very long time, and even so, it will still have a 'tonic' effect, a wake-you-up effect.

This is something horrible that you do not want to try. It is probably life-threatening.

I have also tried caviar a couple of times. I tried it a few weeks ago, but that night, I was already getting sick at my stomach before I ate it. I felt like I was coming down with a stomach virus already, that day, and I was sick while walking around the grocery store before I had eaten anything at all. So when I tried a tiny bit of caviar when I went home, I got sick for hours, and I thought it was just because I had already been sick. But I tried it again today, and it made me just as sick. If you eat a lot of it, it will cause vomiting. Again, it's not 'food,' it's 'medicine.' Like all other drugs, it has desired effects, and undesired effects.

A week or two after eating that tiny bit of caviar, last time, I ovulated, and I could tell that I was ovulating. It was different from my usual, thirty-something, winding-down, pre-menopausal feelings. I haven't ovulated quite so noticeably in a long time. I won't go into detail, but some strange and unusual things happened. The fish eggs are used for fertility, and even a tiny quantity of them actually works. But they will also make you vomit. You have to eat only a few eggs at a time.

It's been an hour ago at least, that I ate the bone marrow, yet I am still having occasional strange feelings from it.

Again, I am using Weston Price as a general guideline, but we need to remember that there are very strict rules to follow.  And I don't use metaphors, but I will use them here:  the path is very, very narrow and hard to find, and if you stray a tiny bit off the path, you will die.  You will die if you wander off the path in the woods into the rhododendron bushes, literally, and you will die if you wander off the path of instructions you must follow in how you prepare your food.  Again, I've never successfully eaten bone marrow without bad results, so I still don't know if there IS a safe way to eat it without having terrible feelings.  It is a hormone-producing part of the body that releases trauma signals if the animal is injured.  When you break bones open, something leaks out into the body, telling the animal that it is in terrible danger.  When you break bones open and eat them, you get that same hormone:  terrible trauma, danger, injury.  It is not fun and it is not enjoyable.  It's a 'bad trip.'  And it could be life-threatening.


Anonymous said...

You are completely insane lady

Nicole said...

Hmm, you must have found my blog while looking for something else. Most of the people who find my blog are doing google searches for other things, and they usually don't want to read about electronic harassment.

Some of my most useless posts are the most popular. « Retmeishka said...

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