Saturday, February 27, 2010

research note

this is just a note to myself.  i don't have the password for my emails right now, or i'd just mail it to myself.  i don't have a pen either and i don't feel like using that tiny little two-inch pencil on the table here to try to write with.

Directional scales

The Enneagram types have also been mapped to Karen Horney's "Three Trends" (Moving Towards, Against, Away from), in two dimensions of "Surface Direction" and "Deep Direction"[34][35] (which also are roughly similar to FIRO and other Two-factor models of personality). Each type, on the surface, moves one way but, underneath, can move a different way. This is claimed to determine both behavior and motivations.

Surface Direction→Deep Direction↓− Against
0 Away
+ Towards
+ Towards
(Approval Seeking)
0 Away
(Ideal Seeking)
− Against
(Power Seeking)

[edit] See also

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