Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I am totally disgusted with all enneagram type eights right now.

Just about everything bad going on in my life, which has to do with criminal activity, harassment, cruelty, and just about every other pathetic and rotten thing that humans can do to each other, is from the type eights that I know.  It would be nice to see a HEALTHY type eight once in a while, doing good for the world, instead of scumbags, hackers, peeping toms, 'perps,' thieves, and everything else that the eights I know are doing.  Dishonesty, secrecy, sneakiness, cowardice, malice, and everything else.  I am disgusted with all of them, and it seems that I know several of them, and I am not at all happy with any of them right now.  As a group, and as individual people.

I would like to see a few people choose honest communication instead of cowardly avoidance, and choose self-improvement and making the world a better place, instead of stagnation and peeping-tom style entertainment for decades at a time, doing nothing useful with their lives.

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