Friday, July 3, 2009

Different types and degrees of mind control crimes committed

I am in an unusual frame of mind. Some of this is written about me in the third person ('she,' 'her,' 'the victim'), maybe because it applies to all victims of electronic mind control, maybe because it is from another persona I have been talking to all morning.

(Note that this isn't something to worry about, I am not having any trouble, I am not very uncomfortable and I am not suicidal. As I said, I am just in an unusual mood.)

An occasional voice in the head is less bad than some other types of attacks. Sometimes the people say things that are witty, entertaining, informative, creative, helpful, or encouraging. They don't always say bad things. Getting an occasional voice in your head is sort of like a rude interruption, like somebody calling you on the phone or knocking on the door, interrupting your solitude. I say 'occasional.' This is a crime (because it is done without consent, and the victim cannot avoid it), but it is a minor crime compared to some others.

However, if dozens of attackers are all trying to say something to the victim, all day long, the effect is cumulative, and it is no longer merely a 'rude interruption,' but instead an overwhelming barrage that distracts the victim and prevents her (I say 'her' referring to myself) from thinking. Sheer numbers of people can make something into a major attack instead of a minor attack.

Real people talking to the victim are different from the artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence speech is perceived as very negative, very undesirable. It is experienced as random, meaningless, unintelligent, irrelevant, and repetitive. It says things all day long, not merely once or twice or occasionally, but constantly. It also projects music into the victim's head constantly and unavoidably. This is a major crime, a severe crime. It is experienced as life-ruining and extremely destructive.

There are also nonverbal attacks, other effects that are not just voices. Control of thoughts, physical sensations, intentions, actions, and emotions is constant and unavoidable. If you try to oppose a particular control, you are immediately punished with fake 'anxiety,' a sort of muscle tension somewhere in the abdomen. If you try to focus your mind differently, see things another way, change your mind, the punishment is instant, immediate, and inevitable. The only time they do not punish you for doing this is when they themselves are FORCING you to change your mind or think a seemingly new thought, when they themselves have pre-planned what it is that you will think about, what conclusions you will draw, what direction you will find. Only then do they allow you to experience something that resembles thinking - when they force you to do it and when they know in advance what you will think about. They do not allow you to think independently or draw conclusions that they cannot predict or control in advance.

These experiences are changed and affected by the drugs you use, the foods you eat, physical illnesses like colds and flu and stomach viruses, your physical fatigue, and your overall stress level from life events. The various phenomena all happen differently depending on those factors. They can be more tolerable, less tolerable, or utterly unbearable at different times, in different moods.

These effects are so constant, unavoidable, and instantaneous that they seem to come from a system that surrounds us all day long. I wonder about what this system is. It could be a radio field, like something from the cell phone towers. I mention the cell phone towers because I have often noticed that 'the whispers' will suddenly get worse whenever I drive my car near a cell phone tower. And cell phones are designed to work everywhere, to cover all areas, although some areas will be covered more strongly or weakly than others. There could be some other electromagnetic field from some other source which I don't know about and can only guess about. The people who own and operate the cell phone towers are probably NOT responsible for this effect. I believe that their systems have been hacked into or controlled by somebody else, and the owners and employees of the cell phone companies probably don't even know that somebody is putting 'whispers' into their signal. This is all hypothetical - I have just guessed at it, speculating, because of my observations that whispering tends to get worse near the towers.

I don't want anyone to think that I actually KNOW something about cell phone towers. I have only vague memories of reading things about the cell phone system, but I don't know much about it. I recall that you can observe people (spy on people) more easily if you detect their effects in an electromagnetic field, but I don't know the details of how this works.

This is a hopeful idea, that at least it's relatively easy to make a low-level, weak shield against ordinary, non-directed, ambient radio waves. You can demonstrate this yourself. Wrap your cell phone with aluminum foil, and it won't be able to receive a call. You are able to reduce the ambient radio waves if they are not directed at you personally. This means that you can, at least, reduce some of the overall stress and overall discomfort of non-directed radio waves and electromagnetic fields, easily and cheaply. Other types of attacks, however, will go through a simple shield.

Sonic attacks need to be blocked differently. Again, you can reduce the unintentional noises of the outside world by using ordinary soundproofing materials and methods. This can reduce the overall stress level even though it doesn't stop the directed, intentional attacks.

The constant, surrounding field can also be interpreted as causing problems for people who have 'electromagnetic sensitivity.' So I think that these problems overlap: targeted, intentional, personally directed mind control, and also non-targeted, unintentional, ambient, impersonal electromagnetic sensitivity. Some of the effects, such as the instant 'anxiety' whenever you try to refocus your mind, might actually be 'accidental' instead of deliberate: they might be the result of electrosensitivity instead of the result of somebody deliberately sabotaging you.

However, that is not how all the effects are experienced. Many times the victim will try to think or meditate about something, and then get intense, directed attacks that are obviously something intentional, not just accidental interference with her electromagnetic fields.

So even though some effects might be 'ambient' or 'accidental' results of electrosensitivity - unintentional bad consequences of being surrounded by radio waves and electromagnetic fields that aren't intended to harm or control anybody - there are many effects that are very obviously a directed attack.

This is soul murder, murder of the true self. If you cannot think, feel, or sense what you would otherwise, if you are given fake thoughts, feelings, and sensations, and prevented from having real ones, that is murder of the self - even though the physical body is alive.

So I have been calling them murderers, even though my body is not yet dead (and I hope to live a very long time yet).

I want to live in and experience my True Self, feeling, thinking, sensing, and doing freely without external control.

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