Saturday, July 11, 2009


well, some people are moving around in my department at work.

and when i was complaining about managers, i didn't mean my low-level manager. i was complaining about things that we are told to do from much higher up in the company. i like 'green hat thinking,' but... well, the green hat isn't the only hat.

i can't work around propane flames, so this is going to be a major problem. i haven't rehearsed an assertiveness-refusal yet. for the couple of days i'm there, i will turn on the hood fan, which nobody else ever does. i expect to be dizzy and sick, which is the opposite of what i need right now while trying to move out of my house and already being sick with unknown chemicals. i also seem to be having problems with the dust at the storage unit. it's making my throat sore.

anyway, i will be preparing an 'absolutely not' statement very soon, but will probably do it on my day off. this is, unfortunately, life or death. fossil fuel flames make me very sick. i will be over there in a dopey daze, staring at the walls for hours, then go home and be half-dead for the next 24 hours, and i absolutely must be alert enough to pack my stuff and move out.

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