Tuesday, July 21, 2009

rage incidents

i keep writing more blogs because i am getting hit with various drugs while going through stuff; and i tried to take a nap, which sjw makes me do, but i napped for only a few minutes (when one of the murderers forced me asleep) and then woke up very quickly afterwards (when a murderer forced me awake). then they were continually torturing my legs, making me wiggle my feet, and buzzing the air bubbles in my stomach.

since i have been hit with drugs several times, these things are triggering rage much more than usual. it hasn't yet been enough rage to make me punch the wall with my hand, or scream out loud, or throw something across the room, all of which i have done before.

i need to sleep, because if i slept really well, i would wake up happy and refreshed, and i would probably be able to pack up the rest of my belongings pretty quickly, and actually be cheerful about it too.

also, all day they've been bugging me because 'glow' is a weak translation of 'albright,' and they wanted me to find a better translation. 'lex' is fine with me if you think of 'lex luthor,' which is what i was getting at. i had seen something on the web mentioning a person by that name (m. luther) who was in iowa, and it was an older person, from the early part of the 1900s. i forget where i saw that reference or what it had to do with.

albright could be 'all right,' which is 'okay,' 'fine,' 'good,' etc. or it could be something else that means 'all,' like 'omni' or something, with a synonym for 'bright.' i do agree that glow is a sloppy, hasty translation.

they were pestering me about the weak translation, and since i was enraged, i was fighting back against them, because i am trying to block him out of my mind, and they keep reminding me of him, every day, over and over again. so every time they were saying the words 'lex glow' to me, i was responding to them by threatening to kill them, even though i don't know who they are or where they are and have no way of finding out where the voices are coming from. they were saying those words, while simultaneously triggering a fake, induced emotion of shame and humiliation.

anytime i do anything which is the slightest bit imperfect, dorky, or whatever, they remind me about it again and again all day long - this includes things like minor typographical errors sometimes - and they trigger the fake shame. so they were doing that to me all morning.

then they were saying 'you crossed the second line' because i put his real name up. supposedly i have to perform a series of tests in order to 'win' the 'game.' they also are hinting that i have to say something to one of his family members, and i am not looking forward to that. obviously, it will be another forced incident just like all the other ones.

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