Friday, August 13, 2010

Dear Murderers

Waking me up after a short nap, instead of letting me sleep the entire night until my alarm wakes me up, on a night when I am working a thirteen or fourteen hour day (because the IRS takes all our money and the banking system causes land prices and rent to go up and up, so I barely have enough to get by), is a sure way to make me fall asleep while driving, have an accident, and die.

I don't care if I have to pee while I'm asleep.  I don't care if I'm thirsty while I'm asleep.  I want to sleep the whole night uninterrupted instead of taking short naps and then being forced awake.  If I do not sleep in my bed, then I will sleep while I drive my car, and that is murder, because I'm not waking up by myself, I'm being forced awake, which leads to the obvious consequences of falling asleep while driving.

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