Wednesday, November 17, 2010

a letter from curtis

I have a little bit of a stomach virus again and I'm not throwing up, but I won't eat or drink anything. If I weren't so sick and dehydrated right now, I'd probably be bawling my eyes out. All I did was make a sort of whimpering noise. Curtis sent me an email telling me about the horrible hell of a day he was having. Almost every possible thing that could go wrong did go wrong. I was crying because he answered me, and it was more than a sentence long, and it was friendly.

However, he's on antidepressants right now. I know from experience that antidepressants totally change your friendliness, and they also can make you seem to give consent to things that you will regret later, such as having a relationship with somebody. It happened to me whenever 'THEY' forced me to have some unpleasant relationships with some men who were attracted to me, who wanted to have sex with me, when I wasn't attracted to them at all. I tolerated those men because I was on antidepressants.

So 'Consent' cannot be given while on antidepressants. I will take it with a grain of salt. When he gets off the drugs he might not be friendly anymore.

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