Thursday, November 25, 2010


Every so often, the voices try to force me to become a prostitute. They've done this to me several times already. I might someday become a 'monogamous prostitute,' a housewife. But I am so antisocial, and anti-sexual too, that it's hard for me to date people, and I get disgusted by the idea of being with large numbers of men. A couple months ago they tried again with the forced prostitution thing, and I couldn't follow through on it. I am extremely picky about which guys I'm attracted to. I like long hair, beards, and short skinny teenage boys. I am not usually attracted to large muscular men, and I can't stand bodybuilders. Sometimes I call myself a pedophile, a hebephile, or an ephebophile, but in reality it would be most accurate to call me an ephebophile. It was the voices who started calling me a pedophile in the first place, and I sort of agreed with them, so I started reading about it, and in reality I like teenage boys, but I don't want to have sex with little children. While I'm talking about this I should mention that the bonobo apes violate almost every sexual taboo that humans have, including pedophilia.

Anyway, I'm not trying to do the prostitution thing now. I'm going to try to work at non-prostitution jobs, and yes, I'd like to start my own business, but for right now it will be just ordinary jobs, like fast food. Like I said, I get so disgusted with most people that I can't stand the idea of being a prostitute, and I can't even go on dates. It wasn't my own idea anyway.

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