Tuesday, November 9, 2010

the missile

The Matrix Disclaimer

Today I took Peter to the doctor, and when I was in the waiting room, I saw a television, which I don't usually see, since I don't have cable or anything at all at my apartment and I never watch TV. So I got to see the news, which was unusual. There was a mysterious, unexplained missile-like thing that was launched near California. I wouldn't have ever heard about it if I hadn't been in the waiting room.

Anyway, I commented on Twitter that I hoped the missile would hit one of the matrix mind control satellites. For the rest of the day, I got bombarded with voices after that, expressing concern, and wanting me to talk about this subject.

First, my disclaimer about 'the Matrix.' I believe that it's possible, but I'm not absolutely certain, that everybody, all of the time, is being spied on and controlled by a field similar to a radio broadcast. I don't know any details about it, I only know what I experience. This might not be what's happening. Instead, the attacks and surveillance might be only targeted at a small number of people, while the rest of the people are ignored most of the time. I don't know.

So I sometimes talk about 'The Matrix,' meaning a system that controls everybody's moods and thoughts, and spies on everybody. However, I believe that the material world around us is real, unlike the Matrix in the movie. In the movie, even the material world was imaginary. I don't think that the real mind control system works that way, but I have no way of knowing. I just assume, for now, that the material world is real, but that there are attackers using an unknown method to spy on, and control, large numbers of people. I can only imagine what kind of systems and methods they use, so sometimes I think it might come from satellites, and I wish somebody would destroy the satellite systems that are being used. And that's where my Twitter comment came from.

But I don't want anybody thinking that the real world is only an imaginary computer simulation like in the Matrix movie. I assume that when you die, you're really dead for real. I assume that there's no way to escape from this material world. I am planning to die when I am a hundred years old. Then I'll find out what happens when you die. Hopefully, I will have had some children before then, too. That's the plan.

So 'they' wanted me to make that disclaimer, since I was commenting on a popular, trending topic on Twitter, and it's likely that my comment might have been read by a lot of people, who might possibly look at my blog as a result.

This blog isn't action-oriented, not yet. It is just a journal about my life, about love, about hearing voices and being controlled, about chemical sensitivity, and about other random things. And yes, I would like to be more action-oriented, but I suffer from moderate to severe chronic fatigue, so it's hard for me to do much more than drag myself to my job, and then come home and go to bed, or write a few blogs.

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