Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'm sort of 'hacking' the library computer right now

The first time this happened, it was an accident.  The library computers have a user login screen.  You are supposed to type in your library card number, and then hit 'enter' or whatever the 'yes' button says, and then, on the next screen, type in a four digit pin number.  One day I accidentally hit 'yes' or 'enter' or whatever without typing anything in.  Still, it proceeded to the screen where you type in your pin number.  I typed in my library card number on that screen (still confused, I did this by accident), and then, it logged me in.  I never typed my pin number.  So I did this again today, except I just hit 'yes' without typing anything at all, and then hit 'yes' again on the next screen, without typing anything at all, and it let me log in.

What's the significance of this trivial 'hack?'  Well, I am deliberately trying to limit the time I spend online.  The library gives you two hours per day, or something like that.  It gives you one hour at a time, and then logs you out, and then you can log back in again and get the second hour.  I think that's how it goes, but I'm confused now, because on this default login that I'm in right now, it gave me two whole hours right away from the beginning.  Now I can't remember what it usually does when I log in the official way.  Anyway, this hack enables me to get more than my 'fair share' of two hours a day.  I can probably do a 'blank' login over and over again, and get more and more hours, which means my time is unlimited.  I can violate my self-imposed internet restriction that way.  I will now be tempted to break the rule and waste too much time on the internet.  However, I'm still somewhat inconvenienced and uncomfortable because of being in a public place, so I won't be totally free with my internet use.  I just like to have a limit - it forces me to focus on doing one particular thing and then leaving.  If I don't have a limit, I won't focus much.

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