Friday, July 15, 2011

Accidentally trespassing on prison property while wearing mud all over my face

So I never wrote about the Rockview incident yet. Last week I went walking down one of the trails that leads out of Fisherman's Paradise. I already had a sunburn on my face from being outside the day before. I was out in the sun again and the sunburn started to burn again.

So I went down to the creek and I got a handful of mud and dabbed the mud onto my face. Then I smeared it all over my arms too. I had been bitten by a mosquito earlier, and for a while now I've been thinking that mud should be used as bug repellant. So I used it as both a bug repellant and a sunblock.

The sunblock worked well. Why should anyone buy that zinc oxide stuff, when you can use silty mud? I understand why someone would use sunscreen if they wanted the lotion to be invisible on the skin, but if you use that white stuff, then it's visible, so you might as well use a commonly available and probably less toxic substance, mud, for free. I actually don't use any kind of sunscreen anymore. Back in college, I used it, but it irritated my face so badly that I seemed to be burned WORSE after using it! Then I learned that I have reactions to lotions that go through the skin. I just gave up on using it and never bothered with it again.

But I was happy to use mud. It worked very well. My face became cool and the burn stopped hurting and did not get any worse. I also didn't get bitten by any more mosquitoes.

I walked a long way that day, exploring the path. I saw signs on the side of the path that said "no trespassing" and things like that, but I assumed that they referred to the land on the side of the path, and not the path itself. So I kept walking. Eventually I came to a gate with a stop sign on it. However, I assumed that only referred to motor vehicle traffic, and not to pedestrians. Why would I assume that? Because there were actually a bunch of similar gates along the path, although they did not have stop signs, and around the sides of each of these gates, there were well-worn walking paths. Those walking paths just went around each gate as though it was commonly accepted for large numbers of people to ignore the gates and walk around the sides of them. So I did too. This gate did not have a convenient, well worn path around it, but I just applied the rule from all the other gates in the area. It was only a stop sign. I don't recall what else the sign said - it might have had other warnings on it.

So then I went down a path that I hadn't ever completely gone down before. I had walked a short way down it once and them turned around. This time I kept walking. I came to some abandoned buildings full of junk. One of them was full of bags labeled "danger : asbestos fiber" and I did not go into that building! I could see the bags as I stood outside the building.

I had seen strange structures here and there, things that seemed partly finished or very old and abandoned, things that seemed mysterious and had no use. I often wondered about them - who put these things here and why? There were piles of wire, like chicken wire fencing, and something like PVC pipes, and something that looked like a target practice area, and an obstacle course kind of thing. There were several small buildings too, here and there. I wondered about all of it.

For many years, I've driven my car along route 220 from State College to Bellefonte. I've always noticed that there is this large area of wasteland that is not being used profitably, and I always wondered why. This land is so expensive, and it's always used for farming if it's not a big mowed lawn around a mansion. This was wasteland, with the trees cut down, and empty fields growing sometimes weeds and sometimes these sick looking crops that never seemed to grow very well.

I finally found out who owned all that land and all the strange structures, and why it seemed like it was being used in a pointless, goalless, unprofitable way, with every project looking halfhearted and half abandoned.

I went down this path and saw what looked like a farm, with silos and barns. I decided I would just walk down this path until it reached the road, and I would simply apologize to whoever it was that owned the farm. I would just say I had been exploring the path.

However, then I saw two guys walking down the path from the farm towards me, and they looked like cops or guards. I had seen signs that said "Rockview," but again, I hadn't been sure which areas the signs referred to. I thought it could have been referring to particular parts of the woods on the sides of the path, that was all.

So my face is covered in brown mud, and suddenly I'm rather embarrassed about this, but there's nothing I can do. I just kept walking towards the two men, because I knew by now that they would not want me to just turn my back and walk away from them. I called out "Is this part of Rockview?" when they got close enough to hear me.

They said it was. Then they told me that I couldn't walk any further. They explained that I was deep into Rockview property, and I had been for quite some time, in order to get here. They said that usually if they found people walking on the path, in the woods, they would just tell them to leave. But I was too close to the farm. They didn't want me wandering around out here.

I guessed that at least one of the two men seemed to be an ESI. The other one might also have been ESI. They were pleasant and friendly, but anxious and surprised to see me there. And they said that the mud made me look like I was wearing camouflage. I explained it was only mud from the stream, for my sunburn, and for mosquito repellant. But I'm sure I looked like a "terrorist" or somebody who sneaks around and blows stuff up. I also happened to be wearing a green shirt with brown pants, so my whole outfit was kind of camouflaged. Once they understood that I was just a clueless moron wandering around from Fisherman's Paradise, they were okay about it. I knew that now was the appropriate moment to clearly indicate that I was nothing but a clueless bumbling moron, and not a threat.

So I had to sit and wait while they called the head of security on the phone, and then wait again for a cop car to arrive to take me home, as they did not want me to walk back out again. There were prisoners working on the farm, they said, and I shouldn't be around them - I could get hurt or raped or something. They said they also often had prisoners working out on the path. I suddenly understood. I had seen two people, one of whom was using a bulldozer to move cut down trees from one place to another, and I had waved hello at them and just walked on past. It all made sense. That was why they had all these half-abandoned, pointless, "make-work," unprofitable projects and structures out there that nobody seemed to be using. It all belonged to the prison.

Something happened which might have been a psychotronic attack. I was sitting down while one of the ESI guards stood there, waiting and occasionally chatting with me, when suddenly I felt this unpleasant, sick sensation of being violated. I noticed the sensation and then heard a voice in my head that said "just relax," and I observed the sensation. I felt as though I was in terrible, terrible danger of being raped, as though that guard there was going to do it himself while we stood here. But I did not believe the sensation. I observed it. I wondered if it was a psyhotronic attack, or if it was a fear smell that came from the guard. I then concluded that the guard was upset because he was thinking he might have shot me, but didn't. They had been unnerved enough by my strangeness, by the "camouflage" on my face, and by my being there where I didn't belong, that they might have shot me. That was an interpretation that "they" put into my head, the voices.

When the cop car arrived, I knew within a couple seconds that the cop was an LSI. His attitude and tone of voice were completely different from the two ESI guards' voices, and I immediately, instinctively labeled him "prick" and "asshole," and I recalled every medical doctor who I've ever disliked. He was the most dangerous threat to me, because it was unlikely that we would like each other, and he might insist on strictly following rules, and he might give me a citation for trespassing. I had to get handcuffed to get into the cop car. He drove me back to my car at Fisherman's Paradise. We chatted a little, and I explained for the third time why my face was covered in mud.

When I got out, I said "Sorry for all the trouble," and I had made sure to say several times to various people that "I know it sounds really stupid, but..."and "I feel like an idiot," and that kind of thing. I had to call myself "stupid" a couple times to make sure everyone knew it was an accident and that I was not there to threaten anyone. This LSI cop responded positively to my apology, suddenly warming up to me, and said it was okay, he was just doing his job. He let me go with only a verbal warning not to do it again. Then he mentioned that he was friends with one of my coworkers (as they had asked me where I worked) and told me to say hi to her. I wondered if I really wanted to mention this story to her... But yeah, I did. The LSI cop was one of those people in the beta quadra (socionics) who had his own circle of friends, and was loved among them, but to me, he would always be someone who I didn't like much. That's how it is. But he wasn't as strict as he could have been. However, I had this feeling that he could be, and I was lucky that he decided not to take the situation too seriously. With the previous three people I had spoken with, I never felt as though they wanted to give me a citation or whatever.

I was really glad that he didn't decide to "strictly enforce the rules," but it could have happened. It's scary that someone who has power over my life happens to be a socionic type that I don't communicate well with. I can't make myself start crying at will, for instance, or do any of the other things women do to appease the cops. That's not me. The most I could do was a tiny bit of emoveo, "I'm stupid, I feel like an idiot," and so on.

I have to go to work now so I can't write much more. But that ruined that part of Fisherman's Paradise for me, and I won't walk down that path again. I need better places to walk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicole you "got lucky". You will be happy to know that a large amount of that "Rockview" property was recently sold to create "Open Space", but angry at the "Development" and "Governance" aspects of that whole deal. I am not sure what the new boundaries are, but a lot of the area around Spring Creek will now be "Public Parkland".

I need to stop reading this Blog because it makes me worry too much about things I cannot change at the present time and takes my energy away from more useful exploits. The old "Danger to themselves and or others" Clause is something I don't want to see used against you. Those guards and officer could have easily given you another "Ticket to The Meadows", rather than a trespassing citation or a bullet.

This is goodbye in cyberspace for now but you know where to find me if you need "Sanctuary".