Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"This thing will be broken before the day is through..." CRACK!; I hate prices that end with 9; and, Is Daniel Radcliffe gay? (no)

So I just went out and bought an El Cheapo brand styrofoam cooler, and two bags of ice.  I'm going to try it out.  In the next day or so I'm going to shut off my little fridge and defrost it before I put it into storage. 

I was getting out of the car and setting the cooler and the bags of ice on the ground next to the car, and trying to shut and lock the door.  The wind blew the cooler lid right between the door and the car so that I almost slammed the door shut on it, which would have crumbled the flimsy, fragile styrofoam, and then, I stumbled and almost stepped on it.  "This thing will be broken before the day is through," I mumbled.

So now I've got the two bags of ice inside the El Cheapo cooler, and so it's kind of heavy, and I'm squeezing this thing in my arms and propping it up against my leg while I'm trying to unlock my front door, and I'm squeezing it and I hear this CRACK.  I haven't even gotten it in the front door yet and I've already made a leak in it.  I don't know how bad the leak will be, because right now it doesn't have any water in it.  Maybe it won't leak too badly.  But this 'crack' was, like, less than a minute after I predicted that I would break it.  It was kind of funny. 

Oh well.  That's the whole point.  I'm learning about this.  There's going to be a lot of stuff that I don't know about.  I've never tried living in my car for weeks or months at a time. 

I won't like to pay for large amounts of ice every day.  It's like $1.60 a bag or something - I forget exactly how much it was.  The number ended with '9,' and I *HATE* the practice of ending all our prices with nine - that's a whole separate rant which I will save for some other day.  I've ranted about 'ending with 9' before.  It's called 'Psychological Pricing,' and it only fools a tiny minority of morons.  ("Hey, look!  It's only 99 cents at that other store, but it's $1.00 at the store where I live!  I'm going to burn up some expensive gasoline and drive my car ten miles farther to go to THAT store!")  The rest of us non-morons are merely annoyed and inconvenienced by it. 

I would gladly pay a penny more for the mere service of everything being a round number.  The convenience is worth paying for.  Making things convenient from the customer's point of view is a highly valued form of courtesy.  Okay, I ranted about it.  But I could rant a whole lot more than this.

Anyway, it would cost a lot to fill the cooler with ice every day, so I will have to make some decisions about how I will use it.  Maybe somebody somewhere has 'waste ice' or unwanted ice.  Maybe their refrigerator has an automatic ice maker and they don't mind giving the ice away for free or for a lower price.  I could put up an ad asking people to beat the prices at the stores where I buy ice.  Can you sell me ice cheaper than this?  Oh well, I'm not worried about it right now - I will figure something out later. 

I'm having a very hard time working.  The magic coffee is losing its magic.  I haven't given myself a day of withdrawal.  I knew this would happen.  I've been sitting around doing nothing, and surfing the net, instead of working, because I'm still tired and apathetic even with the coffee.  It only works for a day or two.  However, thanks to the fact that I started packing many weeks ago, my last-minute-crisis will be a much, much smaller and less terrible crisis than it otherwise would have been.  Thank goodness I asked for these two weeks off.  My upcoming last minute crisis is getting smaller and smaller with every object that I pack away. 

On a totally different subject, I saw someone in the16types forum mention that Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) is an IEE.  I didn't know whether that guess was right or not, and so, during one of my random obsessive internet surfing sessions yesterday, I watched some interviews.  He does, in fact, seem like an IEE.  It would explain why I like his style and find the movies to be tolerable enough to watch them over and over again.  I don't have intense passionate feelings towards him.  I just feel comfortable watching the movies.  The overall atmosphere and style of the movies is compatible enough with my personality type that it doesn't annoy me. 

There are lots of other movies that I could not bear to watch over and over again.  For instance, a few weeks ago I watched 'Hoodwinked Too.'  I typed this as probably a Beta quadra movie.  I can't remember it well enough to explain why it annoyed me, but I can only say in a general way that it used too much Fe Emoveo and Se Factor.  (Darn it, it's frustrating to know that nobody else in the universe is using Gulenko's function names except me.  But I'll keep using them until I get sick of it and give up.)  I would not have bought Hoodwinked Too on DVD and watched it twenty or thirty or forty times. 

But I've watched the Harry Potter DVDs so many times I've lost count, and I cannot even give a rough estimate of how many times I've watched them.  I suspect that the order of magnitude is probably in the double digits somewhere, but that's about all I know.  I would occasionally keep the movie running in the background while I was doing other things, like cleaning.  It is a comforting group of people whose behavior I tolerate very well.  They do not rub me the wrong way. 

So while I was watching these interviews, I had a moment of crushing disappointment, and I had to do some more research to fix it. DANIEL RADCLIFFE IS GAY!!! (Keep reading... he's actually straight.)  And I didn't realize how much I cared, until I found this out, and suddenly, I realized just how horribly disappointed I was. 


So I was listening to this, trying to understand what they were getting at and why they were talking about it.  At the end he says something like, Lady Gaga is much more flamboyant about it than I would be, and that suits her better than it would suit me.  This seemed to imply that yes, he was gay, he just wasn't going to be flamboyant about it. 

So I played the video again to try to understand exactly what he said and what it meant, and I really started to think that he was saying he was gay, and I had somehow missed this important piece of information in the last couple of years, while everybody else knew, of course.  I was the last person to know, and everybody else was taking this for granted by now, so if I complained about it, I wouldn't get any sympathy, because everybody else had gotten past it and moved on with their lives while I was still clueless.  That's how I was interpreting this.

I looked him up on Wikipedia.  There was a link to 'The Trevor Project.'  Daniel Radcliffe gave a big donation to a charity that provides support for gays and lesbians to help them cope and to help prevent suicides.  The more I looked at it, the more I thought that this was a brilliant way to 'come out' without actually announcing it.  I actually admired him for doing that.  It looked like a tactful, ethical way to support something that was personally important to him, and to tell the world about himself.

I kept on reading and looked at a few more sources.  It turns out that actually, he's given money to a bunch of different charities, and not just that particular one.  He's given some money to children's charities, for instance, but that doesn't mean that he himself was an orphan or a victim of abuse or anything.  So I could no longer use the logic that said he only donated to charities that reflected his own personal experiences.  He donates to a variety of charities even if they are not for problems that he himself has experienced.

I read some more.  In other interviews he has talked about this.  He said that he donated money to them because he grew up in a gay-tolerant family, and one (or both?) of his parents were actors, so they socialized with other actors, many of whom were gay.  So he knew homosexuals ever since he was a young child, and he saw them as human beings. 

But when he went to school he found out about homophobia and he saw other people who hated gays.  He said he always hated that kind of intolerance.  So he gave money to the charity because he views homosexuals as just another minority who are often mistreated, and it's his way of showing compassion and respect and support for them, in the only way he can.  He said he likes the fact that he's actually able to help in a material way.  He said in several different interviews that he actually is straight.

After finding that out, my admiration for him was even stronger than it was originally.  He is actually risking his reputation by allowing people to speculate that he might be gay because he supported this charity, but he's doing it anyway.  It's like a gesture of peace between the gay people and the straight people. 


I'm not sure if he's really an IEE.  He seems to be an ethical type, and he suppresses the loud emotional expressions, which makes him a Relatio type instead of an Emoveo type.  He seems extraverted, which would make him SEE or IEE.  He doesn't give off the very dry intellectual style that I see in, for instance, Rick's videos (which I love, by the way).  However, he also doesn't give off the (*edit... I'm taking out this negative and inaccurate description that I wrote here - I started 'hearing voices' afterwards about it, and I don't think that this description was something that I would say, and it's also not something that I want to have sitting on the internet forever while people read it thinking I'm an authority who knows what I'm talking about. (That's already been happening with my post about the Male INFJ, which is one of my most popular posts, and yet, one of the most badly written and inaccurate pieces of crap that I have ever done.) I think the negative description might have been inspired by my relationship with a childhood friend whose type is unknown - I haven't seen her in years.*) vibes that I sometimes (but don't necessarily) get from SEEs.  I don't even want to make that generalization, because it greatly depends on the individual person. 

IEE/SEE is called a 'lookalike' relation.  I would need some way to trigger his intuition or look for it somehow, and see how comfortable he is talking about things that are possible, things that have potential, rather than real physical things.  I haven't read anything he's written, but they say he has written some poetry. 

I've never seen him go off on a spiel about the coolness of special effects or the coolness of blowing stuff up.  Wow, bombs!  Fire!  Guns!  Loud noises!  Money and power! Instead, he has said that he doesn't care about money and power, and he isn't going to be wasting his wealth on expensive cars and prostitutes.  But then again, I haven't heard him go off on any spiels about philosophy or anything intangible, either.  I'm not sure what to look for.  (*I watched some more interviews.  He gets uncomfortable when, for instance, the interviewer or host is getting rowdy and making jokes about sex.  It makes him laugh in kind of an anxious, awkward way.  He is reserved about his body and about sexuality.  There were a lot of other hints that I saw in other interviews, too.  I think IEE is accurate.*)

Anyway, that is how I've entertained myself these last couple days, surfing the net too much.  This activity will change somewhat when I move into my car.  I will be spending a lot of time at places like the library, so it's likely I will still be using the net a lot.  I won't just be sitting in my car all day long on my days off work. 

One thing that worries me is, how will I take naps?  It is always a struggle for me to get enough sleep, and I spend a very large amount of time just lying in bed, awake and miserable, during the day and during the night, wishing I could sleep but not being able to.  It will be hard to do that in a car. 

So I will be sitting in places like the library a lot.  But I probably won't use the net as heavily as I have used it this past week.  I will quit coffee, again, and go into withdrawal, and I will go back down to a lower level of physical and mental functioning, and I will obsess less about everything. 

(On a related topic, I should mention that the cream I put in my coffee is something that I also have a reaction to, and I've had the cream all by itself before, without coffee, and the cream seems to contain a hormone or chemical of some kind that affects me, so that I have sexual arousal and crushes and obsessiveness.  I think it might be rBGH, bovine growth hormone, but I'm not sure.  It doesn't happen at all when I drink Amish milk.  It only happens when I drink the mass-produced cream from a cream dispenser at gas stations and places like that.)

Well, that's it for now.

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