Sunday, July 10, 2011

My visual ID of gammas, and a complaint about computers

I'm still having some difficulty distinguishing the gamma SFs from the alpha SFs. Sometimes I think someone is an SEE when they're probably an ESE. It's relatively easy for me to distinguish between the beta STs and the delta STs, because I can recognize that there is something uncomfortable about them, that they feel like "not me." But since I am not an SF, I can't just say "not me." I have to be more specific.

Yesterday I became quite sure that one female co-worker is an SEE, and I get along well with her. But I've wondered about one guy who I formerly thought was SEE, who I'm now thinking is ESE. There seems to be a lot of variation among ESE males. I get along with some of them pretty well, and others I don't.

An interest in socionics is something people have when they're still looking for their duals. But I think people's interest fades or becomes more casual when they have found what they're looking for. However, it could still be useful to know in other situations.

I've been paying attention to ESI males lately. I feel pretty sure that I can visually identify an ESI male (Caucasian, in Pennsylvania) by merely looking at their faces. There is a "line" of ESIs who have an easily recognizable pattern, although there may be other "lines" who look different. They have a forehead that slants back at a particular angle, and their hairline comes down low on their foreheads. Their hair is a shade of blond, and curly. It would be more accurate to call it the gamma forehead instead of the ESI forehead, because I'm seeing it on photos of other gammas too. I learned this type from the co-worker who is ESI. They appear in movies as the hero or as a particular type of character. For whatever reason, this particular type is easy for me to recognize. I don't recognize female ESIs yet, although my mom fits the "shade of blond" pattern, but her hair is thin and straight.

I wish I had a chance to talk to these people and verify that they are ESI. I already recognized that group of people from long ago before I knew of socionics. I saw them as "frat boys." There seem to be a huge number of them here at Penn State.

I sometimes think about how socionics could be used, besides just for finding a dual. I would like to see schools set up to teach kids of all types. They would have areas of strength and weakness. They would not be expected to be perfect at their weaknesses, but instead would be given real world experiences in those areas (because the two- and one-dimensional weak functions can best learn by experience). The experiences would be designed to be successful and rewarding rather than frustrating failures, so that people could learn to have a more positive attitude about their weak functions, even though they would never be great at them.

The concept is that fewer people would be viewed as "stupid" and written off as hopeless. It's true that there are differences in ability between people of the same type, but as long as their strengths are cultivated and appreciated (and dualized) then they will have something rather than nothing. A lot of people come out of public school with hardly anything of value.

One of the purposes of school is to force you to learn things you would never have had any desire to learn on your own. I never would have had any interest in the history of government, for instance. However, they failed, because all I remember is only a vague impression of an endless cycle of one government fighting with another government over and over all the way back to the beginning of time, and that's all I know about history. The only other thing I know about history came from reading the Weston Price book: I know that primitive cultures are relatively healthy until modern people take over their land and enslave them, at which point they become as sick or sicker than the slaveowners. I've learned some history, again just a vague impression, from the libertarians, who made me aware that the government is a slave owner, and that the government owns all the land, and we pay rent ("property tax") to the government forever and ever if we buy land. And I learned that it's usually some kind of metal mining or mineral mining or resource collecting that leads corporations into the land where primitive people live, which destroys their culture.

I was reading about Nunavut, Canada. They still have some Inuit who live a primitive life there. The journalist mentioned a girl who was eating a caribou leg, and he described her sucking out the bone marrow. (I still need to understand why some people, in some situations, are able to eat bone marrow without getting horrible food poisoning and nearly dying from it and vomiting and passing out and all the other horrible things it does to you.) But Nunavut is being invaded by corporations who want to do mineral mining. They are taking the iron ore, which is said to be about the purest iron ore on earth. As soon as they destroy the land, people won't be able to live by hunting animals anymore. They will build roads all over it, and fences, and the cars kill the deer and the fences prevent them from grazing. They will dam up the rivers and stop the narwhals from migrating. This is the big controversy going on right now.

The bonobos in the D.R. Congo are just as hopeless. They are surrounded by people who want to get in there and cut down the jungle where they live. That is the only place on earth where bonobos live. I say we should integrate them into human society, but humans would try to forbid them to do their sexual behaviors. These are the same humans who visited all the primitives and made them cut their hair and put on some clothes in order to be decent.

I'm not saying that I approve of everything primitives do merely because they're primitive. Primitive circumcision is even worse than "modern" circumcision. Modern circumcision at least is clean and doesn't transmit AIDS from person to person through a shared bloody knife the way it does in Africa.

This is my last workday before my weekend. I have to get my desktop PC put into storage, but for some reason I'm finding it hard to do that. I have to move some stuff out of the way to get to it. I have to clean up the bedroom somewhat to make it easier to walk through.

I'm also hesitating because I need to put both of my laptops into storage too but I'm still using them occasionally. I need one of those converters that lets you recharge your iPod on an electric outlet, so I won't have to hook it up to the computer. That was one of those ingenious yet stupid ideas that really annoy me about the iPod. Yes, it was definitely designed by a corporation whose leader has Si as his vulnerable function. The iPod is one of the devices that annoys me so much, I have a desire to start my own computer corporation so that I can make devices that appeal to MY personality type.

But that's not even half as stupid as the people who made our new computer system at McDonald's. I can't even begin to describe all the things they messed up. The old green screen system was BETTER than the new system. I imagine people might laugh at this or not take me seriously, but I am in fact dead serious about this. The old system was much better and MUCH FASTER, and I would be happy to have it back. They only improved one tiny small weakness when they made the new system, but they also made a whole bunch of new annoying problems that were never there before, and they are not at all trivial or minor or unimportant. And it is so frustrating to know that the Si-vulnerable corporation leaders are not listening to me (or to all of those who agree with me) about this.

Sensible, simple, minimal computers designed for Si, for convenience, are in huge demand, and no one is listening. They just keep adding more and more complex features that we don't want.

So yeah, designing a Si-valuing computer system is on my infinite to-do list, one of those things that I might do someday if they find a potion that will let me live forever so that I can do all the things on that list.

I've wanted to write down all the stupid things that they messed up on the new computer system. Some of it comes from a different philosophy that is hard to explain. In the old days you had to memorize esoteric commands which were not visible anywhere on the graphical user interface; however, AFTER you memorized those commands, you could become a virtuoso who could operate the system at extremely high speed. Now, our new system is so slow and unresponsive that it actually lags, and you often have to wait several seconds before pressing another button, because the computer cannot respond.

And again, this is dead serious, not a joke, that new computers are slower than old ones, and it is hugely annoying, a major problem, and a huge opportunity for someone to profit by rescuing us from all these awful systems that we have to use now. They should have an old-fashioned primitive style - for instance, a cash register computer should operate like an old-fashioned cash register, not like a computer program running on Windows. It only needs to be connected to the mainframe so that it can get price updates. Someone could accomplish the same thing by hardwiring a real old-fashioned cash register to another computer. We could have a hardware interface attached to the cash register, and the cash register would still operate the old way. I want to do all these things. We need them desperately. They would be so much cheaper too.

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