Friday, July 15, 2011

I went to the real arts fest today

Oh, and one more thing: I had always seen the signs on the highway that said you were driving through Rockview property, but I never put the pieces together to understand that all of the "wasteland" area was theirs. I couldn't imagine that they owned that much land and left it just sitting there.

I just walked through the arts fest today. I didn't buy anything. I just thought about how high of a price you have to charge to make something profitable when it costs a lot to rent a booth at the festival and you might sell only a couple of items. I need to go get ready for work now. I wrote the previous blog yesterday and posted it today.

It's frustrating to see arts and crafts, or listen to music, and yet never, ever find the spirit that I want to see expressed. Apparently, I'm the only one who can do it. Apparently I'm the only one who knows that particular spirit and is capable of expressing it.

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