Saturday, March 7, 2009


quote of the day:

visiting aunt jean and uncle eugene, and my mom and dad who are visiting. we're all sitting around the kitchen table. some friend of eugene calls on the phone. phone is on speaker, everyone can hear.

talking about something technical. finding the right place to plug in some kind of computer speaker or computer equipment.

'well you can just jam it in to any of the holes until you find something that works. hey, you're good at that - maybe that's why your wife's mad at you. i think i see some cobwebs...' (*as in, cobwebs on her because they haven't been having sex.*)

'you're on speakerphone, so watch what you say. everyone can hear you.'

(*everyone in the room is laughing.*)

'...cobwebs, i have some cobwebs here, you know those dust webs...' (*trying to explain why he mentioned anything about cobwebs.*)

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