Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama Special Olympics Bowling - Puppet Incident

I just saw a news article mentioning Obama, who accidentally blurted out a joke about his not-so-good bowling ability. He compared his bowling to the Special Olympics. Immediately afterwards, he made a public apology.

This is a typical 'puppet' incident of being forced/urged to blurt out something cruel, insulting, and thoughtless, especially something that makes fun of somebody. Handicapped people, people in wheelchairs, and mentally disabled people are one of the typical targets or 'sources of humor' in these incidents.

The incident discredits Obama, ruins his good reputation, makes him look like a jerk, makes him look like a shallow person, when in fact, he is a strong person with high self-esteem who is considerate and empathic to others and himself.

In this situation, Obama is the 'highest-ranking' person in the country. It seems like a great opportunity to make him look bad, to make fun of him, to make him seem 'down on himself,' and also to make him look like a shallow jerk. They usually aim to humiliate and discredit high-ranking, high self-esteem people, or talented people, or intelligent people.

These blurt-out incidents happen during casual conversations. Somebody gave him the idea that it was funny that he wasn't good at bowling. In reality, Obama himself would be self-accepting: you accept your own faults and weaknesses, and it's no big deal.

Another signal that it's a puppet incident is that he was highly conscious of people's uncomfortable reactions to the 'joke.' He immediately apologized afterwards. The article said that his 'joke' hadn't even been aired on TV yet whenever he apologized.

That is my theory. I will continue watching Obama and interpreting his behavior. I feel convinced that he is not the type of person who would naturally make a comment like that of his own free will.

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