Sunday, January 23, 2011

Waiting to go home

I have about ten minutes left.

I have the one and only google result for "bearded balding mullet" in quotes. I checked.

Time passed slowly today because I agreed to cover someone else's shift and stay three hours longer than I otherwise would have.

My iPod autocorrects the spelling and gives me totally bizarre words sometimes. It needs to be programmed to recognize the shift key error. I often press the left shift instead of the letter A. Then I press the next letter. If it creates an unrecognized capitalized word then the spellcheck must be assuming it's an unknown proper name. So I often get bizarre capitalized words or words with one capital letter in the middle of it. It should recognize that left shift is usually A. I push left shift by accident more frequently than I press it on purpose. I just let autocorrect capitalize all my letters, so I hardly need the shift key at all so I never push it.

Five minutes. Slow day. Dishes are mostly done. I always feel anxious when I fool around even if everybody else is standing and talking or texting. It feels like I'm the only one expected to keep working and if I stop I'll get fired or reprimanded or something. That's one reason they decided I was an enneagram three.

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