Sunday, February 13, 2011

Egypt riots

9:32 AM 2/13/11

I am extremely skeptical about this 'peaceful revolt' in Egypt. I haven't been reading any news articles about it, and I don't have a TV in my house either. So I have seen almost nothing about what happened. I have read bits and pieces, that it's supposedly been some peaceful demonstrations, but a few people have been killed.

After living through the past couple decades, I have seen enough and read enough that I don't trust a single word that our government says, and I don't trust the news media either. They are not as free as they could be, although our media is somewhat more free than it is in some other countries, but it is still controlled and censored, and there are things you're not allowed to say. The MAINSTREAM news media, the people who you see on the television news, aren't allowed to consistently, blatantly oppose government all of the time. Instead, they are allowed to say that one particular person is corrupt but not the whole system, and so on.

So I don't believe that we are hearing all of the truth about what happened in Egypt. I am going to assume that somebody funded this, somebody paid somebody to make this happen. I don't think that some guy just spontaneously said, 'Hey, let's end the dictatorship today!' and all his friends said, 'Yeah! Great idea!' so they all went out and started protesting. Somebody paid somebody to do something.

And meanwhile, I've kept hearing all of these ads on the radio at work, and the ads offend me and make me angry. There are several ads in a short period of time, so it seems like you just heard one a few minutes ago, and there's another ad on again - ads about remembering to register for the Selective Service. They warn you that if you don't register, then you can't use some government programs, like government job training, and in some states you can't get a driver's license until you register for the SS.

The ads might be just a coincidence. However, it made me ask the question, what if our government doesn't approve of what Egypt is doing or how they are doing it? What if the USA decides that they want a particular person to be in power instead of some other person, so they start forcing Egypt to put someone in power the same way that the USA originally forced Iraq to put Saddam Hussein in power? What if they use this riot as an excuse to invade Egypt? The government never seems to care that we have money problems and we have been bankrupt for over a century now. Somehow, by magic, they always seem to come up with just enough imaginary money to go kill tens of thousands of people in other countries. The lack of money won't stop them if they decide they're not happy about what's going on in Egypt or if they decide that they don't approve of the new President (or whatever the title is) that Egypt 'votes' for.

Again, I feel extremely skeptical and distrusting and cynical about all of this. Whatever has happened, it isn't what we think is happening, and it could lead to disaster if the USA decides to use it as an excuse to send the military over there.

Not only that, but it ISN'T THAT EASY to change an entire government overnight! There is a huge, enormous system, a huge bureacracy, hundreds and hundreds, or thousands, of government employees who all have a particular belief system that says 'This is the ways things are.' You have to change the minds of all of those thousands of government employees, you have to rewrite or repeal tens of thousands of laws, you have to shut down dozens and dozens of government agencies and offices. Whatever tiny little minor changes they might make to the government of Egypt, it will be hardly any different at all afterwards.

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