Sunday, February 20, 2011

Socionics Duality Relationships again. This is the second time in 24 hours that I have been thinking I need a database record instead of a search filter!

What's going on with this?

First, I was thinking that I wanted to:

1. search blogs by location, to find USERS who lived in a particular area, THEN

2. search the USERS' blogs by some other keywords, so that I could find:

RESULT: Everyone blogging about electronic harassment in the state of Pennsylvania.

There is no 'user location' in Wordpress, as far as I know. You would have to create some way of finding the bloggers' locations. Once, I tried just searching for the word 'Pennsylvania' or 'PA' somewhere in people's blogs. I think I was looking in MySpace, too, trying to search for keywords in blogs on MySpace.

I need my information to 'stick together.' When you filter something, it falls apart. hahahaha but it's true, those are intuitive descriptions of what happens. Database records stick together as a whole unit and it doesn't forget what you originally found.

I tried once, as I said, searching for people who mentioned the word 'Pennsylvania' in their blog. If I tried to search within those results, it would try looking on the SAME PAGE as the word 'Pennsylvania.' I don't want to look on the same page in someone's blog. They might have mentioned Pennsylvania on an 'About Me' page. They might mention 'electronic harassment' on a totally different page. Therefore, I do not want to look in the same set of results. I want to look in the RECORDS that are 'sticking together' - all of the pages written by the users whose blogs came up in the first search.

That was the first incident of wanting a record instead of a filter.

Then today it happened again.

And now that I'm thinking of this, after messing around with Propellerheads Reason the other day, I'm thinking about sound filters now, and I'm wondering if the 'record versus filter' concept can be applied to sound filters. So instead of filtering sound (for music synthesizers) you would 'search for records' in sound. That reminds me of voice recognition, or pulling out the sound of one instrument out of a lot of background noise, somehow recognizing which instrument is the flute, which instrument is the drum, and which voice is the singer, when they are all blended together. You somehow follow that sound constantly and continue to recognize it the whole time as a unique, sticking-together 'thing' with an identity.

Anyway, the 'needing a record' incident happened again today. I wanted to filter my gmail so that everything from Craigslist would get sent into one folder. I might be able to make a filter do that if I say that everything directed at the anonymous Craigslist address, the random gibberish letters and numbers they assign to you if you want to be anonymous, should get sent to a particular folder. However, after you reply to that email, you start sending it back and forth from your real email, not the anonymous one. So the next bunch of emails would default to going back to the usual inbox. I could set it up to have a 'reply to' address, and then make a folder that receives everything sent to that address, except that that address is static - it's always the same. CL assigns a random new one every time, so I would have to detect that random new one. I might still be able to use a 'reply to' address though... maybe...

Anyway I wanted a 'record' of who had come from Craigslist. I have a bunch of different emails and I'm trying to separate them from things like 'Someone on facebook commented about so-and-so!' messages.

I think one of the people I'm writing to, who calls himself an ENFp, is actually an ENTp. I 'heard voices' after reading one of his emails, while I had just been reading about the socionics relationships. The voice said 'deficient duality,' which means he is a semi-dual, an ENTp. Those can be good relationships, but not completely fulfilling. And they think Carrie is an ESFp, which is Curtis's Illusionary relationship, not a duality. (Professor Trelawney says, 'I see something, something dark....' In other words, their relationship might not last or be as strong as one might wish.)

The not-an-ENFp guy is the one who reminded me of Sam from high school. So that would make them both ENTps. This guy also reminded me of Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoonist, so he might be an ENTp too. I've read SA's blog. This email guy made jokes and I thought they were funny, but his jokes strongly reminded me of something Scott Adams might say. He was talking about how many bad decisions had been made by drunk people (after I said I don't drink or party), and then described a couple of disastrous situations happening to famous historical figures and celebrities, and each time, the person said 'Here, hold my beer, and watch this...' and then the disaster happens. It was funny, but I would swear I was talking to Scott Adams.

I am going to mention to this guy that I think he might be an ENTp, not an ENFp, and I will show him something written by an ISFp, his dual. I want people to find their duals, now that I know about this. I really care about the fact that a lot of people haven't experienced a duality relationship. Again, the tests need to be perfected so that they give consistent, reliable, accurate results, and I want this to matter as much as if it were life or death, as if lives depended on getting an accurate answer. Right now it's as though it 'doesn't really matter' if you get an inaccurate answer from a personality type test, because nobody is going to drop dead this instant if it's wrong. But I want the tests to have extremely strict standards that say, 'It IS life or death! Get it right the first time! This is extremely important to know!'

I think that I am really lucky that I have experienced a duality relationship at least once in my life, with Rachael. It's unfortunate that she wasn't a guy. I think I might have known another guy who might have been an ENFp, but we were just friends, and he was more strongly attracted to me than I was to him - I found him physically unattractive :( . That's a shame too. We used to write letters for a while when I was in either middle school or high school. (Back when letters went into envelopes that had a stamp on the outside, and you wrote them using a pen and paper. I struggled to read his scrawly handwriting.)

Anyway I say I'm lucky because that relationship programmed me, forever, to recognize true love when it happens, and to recognize the absence of true love, too. That is why I haven't gotten married, or at least part of the reason. I didn't try marrying anyone because I recognized early on that there was something missing or something wrong in the relationship, and part of the reason I could do that was because I had in the past experienced a truly satisfying relationship, which lasted for eleven years.

It is likely that I will have to look through church people, and I must be willing to tolerate belief in God. That is okay with me.

I was listening to God Radio either yesterday or the day before - yesterday? I'm confused. They were playing a radio theatre thing, from (the real URL is It was about some people living up in the mountains with their herds of goats, and the kid and his grandfather had to go looking for the father who had gone missing with the herd. These people reminded me of NFs. I'm not sure if they really were - I've decided that I almost always type people wrong. Maybe they were ISFps. But anyway if I can tolerate someone's 'irrational beliefs' then I will get the benefit of everything else that their personality can offer me.

I'll say this again, I want somebody to make personality tests that act as though your life depended on getting exactly the right answer the very first time, as though you would walk out of that room and use the information right there to make a life or death decision. And of course I want these tests to be free and online, not something you have to pay a bunch of experts to do. They have to be some kind of user-made, open-source type of thing, because there's no way any of us could fight against the group of people who 'own' the official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator copyright, and tell them that their test is giving drastically, horribly wrong results, which discredits the entire personality theory! If people get horribly wrong results, they conclude that personality types don't exist, the theory is bullcrap, testing doesn't work, it's all just another horoscope, and so on. Then they lose all the valuable benefits they could gain by knowing ACCURATELY what their own type is, and what type to seek in a mate, which would reduce divorces, and reducing the number of divorces is a good thing. I am trying to say that personality types are NOT just another horoscope, they are real and extremely important, but the lousy tests totally discredit the idea and make a lot of people not believe in it.

I am going to get used to referring to Socionics more than I refer to 'Myers-Briggs.' That will draw attention away from the system that seems more flawed or misleading to me, towards the one that I think is better. But I have to get used to that, because I've been calling it the Myers-Briggs ever since I first discovered it in the early 1990s in college. Socionics is less well known in the USA, and better known in Russia. This reflects very favorably on Russia to me. Thank you Russia. Or Lithuania, or whichever place the person was actually from. I'll have to go look it up again.

Shoutout: Where all my ENFps at?

I need to know which professions they go into, which social groups they hang out with, which websites they visit, which movies and TV shows they like, which secret code words they recognize, and everything that will help me find them. When I find them, I still have to get past the physical attraction barrier. That is hard for me because of my obsession with long hair and my intense dislike for looking at or touching short-haired, clean-shaven men. This is a sincere dislike and I can't just push the 'off' button to make myself stop disliking that. I don't want to marry someone who I find untouchable.

The ENFp who really seems to be accurately typed, in my email, is 53 years old, I think he said. He showed me a family photo. He looks quite young. They are all normal looking and clean shaven. But the photo is funny, it looks exactly like something that would be in 'Awkward Family Photos.' I swear it looks exactly like that. It reminded me of some of the ridiculous and awkward things people did in those pictures, like a whole family piling up on top of each other for the photo. They're not doing anything weird in the photo, just standing there together in the awkward portrait positions with their awkward portrait smiles, but there is something about their facial expressions and body language that just screams 'AWKWARD FAMILY PHOTOS' to me! I recognize them. This is the suspected enneatype Nine ENFp.

I might post this now.... I'm still thinking and I'm not quite done yet, so who knows, I might post two or three more blogs later on if I'm still thinking.

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