Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fat cats marrying food: Obesity is not caused by gluttony.

Beware, this is going to be another 'sexual double meaning' blog, and from my point of view, it isn't intended that way. But anything having to do with 'cats' usually means 'pussies,' so it goes into a sexual double meaning that way. There was a discussion between me and 'them' before writing this blog, and 'they' are the reason why I decided to write it.

There was a picture on lolcats where a kitten asked the question, can you marry food? It was a series of three images with the kitten opening its mouth like it was laughing.

It's not just the pictures that bother me. I looked, and some of the pictures were not too bad. I didn't see the 'small box' picture, but that was because I didn't want to spend much time waiting for all the pictures to load, so I left.

The captions bother me too. The attitudes behind the captions disgust me. The 'can you marry food' caption is a good example. I like food so much that I want to MARRY it. I'm stupid and ignorant. My ignorance, naivete, and stupidity are cute. I am inferior. You are big and powerful. Ha ha. Love me!

By the way, why do cats like food so much? Why do cats come running at high speed, very excited, when they hear the can opener or the bag of food pouring into the bowl? Why are they so excited? Is it because they are stupid and cute? Is it because they want to marry food? Is it because stupid cats only understand simple concepts like 'love food' and 'food good?'

No, that's not why. It is because you are starving them and feeding them extremely poor quality non-nutritious fake food, and not feeding them often enough. You control all the food in the house. Cats are locked indoors and cannot get outside to hunt. If they do hunt, you get mad at them for doing something bad and evil and disgusting. How dare they try to fend for themselves. Cats come running to get food because they are starving.

Remember when you were a teenager and you couldn't drive a car? You had to eat whatever food was in the fridge and the cupboard. But, as always, your parents didn't understand. They got lots of food you didn't like, and you were forced to eat only that, and you didn't have a choice. There was never enough of the stuff you really wanted. You were growing, so you were very hungry and there was never enough food. Is that 'cute' that you have an intense desire for more food because you are growing and your body desperately needs lots of high-quality food?

Meanwhile, somebody decides you're 'fat,' or that you must be prevented from becoming fat. This decision is made by somebody who is ignorant of what really causes people to be fat. (Hint: Fat ISN'T caused by overeating.) So they start restricting free access to food, and you cannot eat enough to EVER satisfy your hunger. When you see or hear food you come running at high speed as though you want to marry food. Ha ha, that's cute.

I haven't written about drug residue contamination in a while. This is an obscure technical subject that not many people know about, and probably not many people are interested in, unless they experience chemical sensitivity.

Pharmaceutical drugs and drug residues can cause people to be fat. They are not the ONLY cause, but they are one big important cause. People know you can get fat by taking prescription drugs, but hardly anyone knows that tiny invisible traces of drug residues can also make you fat. These drug residues are hardly even known to exist. I visited my parents in West Virginia and I came home covered with Paxil drug residue because Mom is taking it. I had symptoms for weeks until I started using different clothing that had not been to my parents' house.

The residues get onto your clothing when you sweat and when your skin excretes oils. The drugs get into your clothing and then they take a very long time to wash out. The residues stay in the washing machine, and they mix with all of the clothing that is washed there. When you put the clothing back on, the drug residues get absorbed back through your skin. This can happen even if somebody else was using the drugs, not you.

Extremely small amounts of these drug residues can cause you to gain weight, and you're not even deliberately TAKING the drugs. You only need to be AROUND other people who are taking the drugs. If you use their clothes, or use their washer and dryer, if you sit on the seats that they sit on, if you touch the same surfaces they touch, if you walk on the floors that they walk on, you will collect tiny amounts of drug residues from their skin oils and sweat.

I suspect that these drugs also cause pets to become fat.

Animals do not become severely obese in the wild, so the causes of obesity come from their human lifestyle. It is not because humans feed them too much and they don't have to exercise to hunt for the food. That's NOT the reason.

There are several causes of obesity in humans. Drugs, vaccines, heavy metals, other poisons - but NOT just a simple desire to eat more than you should. You don't just randomly have an intense desire to eat huge amounts of food, unless you have a MEDICAL problem. It is not a moral problem. It is not a problem of free will. It is not from having too much luxury and too little work. It is caused by drugs and poisons. It can be a permanent deformity of the fat tissue - just as someone can be born without arms and legs if their mother took Thalidomide, someone can be born with a tendency to grow too much fatty tissue because their mother took some other drug while pregnant. It is a birth defect. It is made worse by bottle-feeding infant formula instead of breast milk. Vaccines might also cause permanent distortions in fat, if the viruses get into the fatty tissue and cause permanent inflammation there, but I don't know much about the details of how that might work. Again, fat is not caused by merely having an impulse to eat too much for no reason, and for being 'weak' enough to obey that impulse.

Animals are taken away from their mothers at an early age, and they might still be nursing. They might have mostly stopped nursing but might still need to nurse once in a while. They are then put on an unnatural diet, vaccinated, and exposed to a large number of chemicals in their environment, such as pesticides and flea sprays.

Poisoning and vaccinating animals, feeding them poor quality food, exposing them to pesticides and drug residues, and other things, are the cause of obesity in animals. It is a form of cruelty - torture caused by ignorance, not by intention - to mess up an animal's body, make it feel constantly hungry and constantly in need of something it can't get, and not letting it outside to hunt, and then calling it 'fat' and restricting its access to food even more.

So that explains some of the reasons why the cat loves food so much it wants to marry it.

And... I just got a call from work asking me to come in early, and I have to decide what to do... so I should finish this and go do something.

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