Saturday, February 12, 2011

Reasons why i did not want to keep chasing him

First, for anyone who doesn't know the story, I had a crush on a former co-worker, and so "they" were forcing me to try writing letters to him and pursuing him when I myself knew it could never work.


He is unable to clearly say yes or no to me.

He is unwilling to discuss problems and issues that I talked about in my letters to him.

He will not make agreements or arrangements, as in, "can I visit you someplace other than work, or not?"

He just never answered anything I asked. He only vaguely gave me permission to say hello to him at his workplace once in a while, but that doesn't work for me.

I was being forced against my will to keep trying to talk to him and visit him. I knew that we could not even have a friendship unless we were able to talk openly about problems and unless he could give me clear, direct answers and agreements.

I did not go visit him this month. I am looking for friends who can communicate clearly with me and who do not avoid talkig openly about problems, people who answer the questions I ask them.

I'm on my iPod at work on my lunch break so this is short.

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