Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What happens if I don't claim my federal tax refund?

1:51 PM 2/1/11

I will most likely crack at the last moment. As of right now, I haven't made much effort to go hunting for federal tax forms. I know that I will be getting a refund as usual.

I refused to participate in the census. Eventually the census lady found me and talked to me, and I told her that I was consciously refusing to participate, and after that, they didn't come looking for me again.

I half-jokingly, half-seriously believe this: they told me that if all the people in the area don't get counted, then we won't get enough funding for government projects - and I'm good with that! So let there be an undercount!

It seems masochistic to not bother claiming my federal refund. They can't be bothered to mail me my forms. I'm sure I'll get punished for it somehow. Giving free donations to the IRS is probably illegal. It might be viewed as a bribe or something. It might be mistakenly viewed as my wish that the federal government take the money and spend it on something, or that they continue doing things I disapprove of. Maybe they could use it for the Social Security program.

Like I said, I'm sure I'll crack at the last moment.

I wonder how many people won't claim their refunds? How many people will get letters sent to them after the deadline, telling them that they might have a refund? Why can't the government calculate its amount properly without all this refund stuff anyway? Why can't it automatically just know exactly how much to take out at all times? They need a new calculation algorithm.

'They' were saying, This will be the first and last year that the federal government doesn't bother mailing out its tax forms to 'save money.'

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