Monday, December 27, 2010

Foamy the Squirrel: Germaine's Problems

4:22 AM 12/28/10

I watched some of the early episodes of Foamy the Squirrel, and I've watched one or two of the recent episodes, along with 'Germaine For Stupids.'

If I try guessing her enneagram type, ignore me, because my guesses are usually wrong and I keep changing them.

What could have happened to Germaine? When I watch her, I start troubleshooting based on my own experiences and my own problems. Perhaps she began with environmental illness, or maybe food sensitivities. Those things could have made her moody and tired and sick.

Then she was going to clubs. When you go someplace where other people are using drugs, you get the drug effects secondhand. She could have had alcohol, or secondhand smoke, or she could have been exposed to residues of other drugs on the chairs and tables where she was sitting, and that could have been any drug at all. A lot of drugs are used by people at clubs. There could have been ecstasy, or lots of other illegal drugs, along with pharmaceutical drugs. She didn't have to try the drugs herself. Just being around other people using them can give you small doses, either through the skin, or inhaled, or through the mouth, and then you get withdrawal later on. Withdrawal can cause many strange symptoms and moods.

Then Germaine was suicidal. That's the kind of thing that can happen from the drug exposures too.

She also has a lot of piercings. I like the way piercings look, but they can possibly give you metal poisoning through the skin, and even more poisoning if you have piercings in your lips and mouth. Metal poisoning causes crazy moods and depression and other symptoms. It's a possibility to think about. I'm not sure how many health effects come from piercings and jewelry.

She was also hallucinating a scary guy while she was in the bathtub. That happened to me when I was on Prozac. Her hallucination looked exactly like mine. Some vague object moves quickly just outside the edge of your vision, and you don't see what it was, and it scares the crap out of you. Her skull mask guy appeared just like that when she first glimpsed him. Then she started thinking, 'How would I have defended myself? All I had was a rubber ducky.' The ghostly attacker caught her unprepared. So the joke of the cartoon was that she fought back, and won, with only the rubber duck. I've had similar 'How would I escape?' fantasies (go out the bedroom window, etc) during my terror attacks. Drug withdrawal can cause those panic attacks.

I didn't watch all the episodes in between, but I saw some titles that mentioned drugs. So it's very likely that somebody was on drugs, at least one of the characters, or just talking about drugs in general. But then, after that, there's this gradual weight gain. I've gained lots of weight when I've been on antidepressants.

Then she starts saying 'yes' too easily to sex. Being suggestible and agreeable is caused by drugs. Doing things that other people want you to do is caused by drugs. Wanting lots and lots and lots of sex is caused by drugs. Being indiscriminate - not caring who you have sex with - is caused by drugs. I've experienced these things myself.

So now, Germaine is wandering. And a minion is also out wandering looking for its master. One of the commenters wrote, 'Don't worry, she'll find Foamy.'

While traveling, she might improve the symptoms of her environmental illness, if by any chance she was suffering from that. I usually assume that if someone has lots of vague, unexplained health and mood problems and fatigue, then they probably have the usual food sensitivities and environmental illnesses.

So I wish that I could help the real Germaine, whoever she is. I'm still trying to help myself.

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