Friday, December 24, 2010

Yes, incandescent bulbs will be illegal. Absolute evil.

One little evil at a time, nickel and diming us to death. More and more of a communist dictatorship every year. It's true, incandescent light bulbs really will become illegal, starting in 2012.

Compact fluorescent bulbs make my eyes burn and my vision blurry. I even get sunburned by them if I've been using St. John's Wort, which causes sensitivity to ultraviolet. My face becomes painfully burned red after I visit Peter's house (which I haven't in a while), where he has several of those compact fluorescent bulbs. I absolutely hate those things. I hate the way they make me eyes feel. My eyes are unable to relax under those bulbs. I hate the fact that they are the only thing the government will let us use.

I took one of the retina-burner light bulbs out of my ceiling this evening. It was very hard to reach. I unscrewed it with the very tips of my fingers. What if I had dropped it? If it breaks, an explosion of mercury will splatter over your carpet and the carpet will have to be removed, for thousands of dollars. It will also splatter mercury onto the nearby walls. If you step in it, your feet will leave a trail of mercury footprints all over the house. I already know about this from herbal drug residues. Mercury will be exactly the same. Mercury vapor will rise from every single footprint of splattered mercury tracked around your house. And not everyone knows about this. Only a few people know that those light bulbs contain mercury. Only a few people know that if they break, mercury will splatter around the entire area and will be tracked around your whole house. The government doesn't care.

This law is the most evil and insane thing that I have ever heard, and it's really true. I really am going to start stockpiling lots and lots of incandescent bulbs. Maybe I will hand-paint a picture of a middle finger on each and every one of them, to express my feelings about the new law. Yes, some black market entrepreneur should make incandescent bulbs that come in a box with a raised middle finger on the front of the box.

I am so chemical sensitive that I am actually afraid I might have gotten some mercury on me just from handling the bulb. I washed my hands right afterwards, but things like that don't wash very easily.

I truly, truly, truly hate the government. And it won't be long now before I'm not allowed to say that in my blog anymore. A few more years, and it will be censored internet. We already have a censored internet, but it will be EVEN MORE censored. Not long before people go to jail for saying that they hate the government.

Actually, when I talk about things like this, I usually don't say 'not long until.' Things like this are usually true right now and have already been true for a long time. It isn't just in the future. It's continuing from the past into the present. It's already happening.

We are all too tired and sick to revolt. We're all too busy paying the bills.

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