Saturday, December 25, 2010

No, Germaine's probably a Three

...which is why I can relate to her character so well. I watched the rest of 'Germaine For Stupids' today. I didn't know this cartoon has been around for eight years. It's probably a cartoon by a Three, about Threes. I know exactly how it feels to want people to respect you, and at the same time, they're seeing you as a sex object and nothing but that. And you WANT to be sexually desirable, but you don't want it to get in the way of your being understood and respected as a person.

In Wikipedia the descriptions of Foamy made it sound like Foamy hates Germaine, but he sounded sympathetic to her in that video. And Foamy is expressing the opinion of the cartoon creator Jonathan Ian Mathers, so the cartoonist obviously is sympathetic to her too.

I'm not sure why I frequently think that Threes are Sixes. It has happened a bunch of times. It happens if they have a 'countercultural' style, if they seem non-mainstream. I always thought that Threes were the most mainstream people imaginable, that they were the ones with the neatly cut short hair and suits and ties, and the women who follow all the rules without questioning them and cut their hair and wear their makeup and their clothes exactly the way they're supposed to. So when I see people in subcultures or countercultures I can't imagine they're Threes.

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