Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I did some work on the order's website

Yes, that URL is clunky and unreadable.  I know.

I filled in the dummy pages and added a few new pages.

It isn't perfect, it isn't finished, and it isn't detailed.  But it gives a general idea.  I would like to work together with other people to fill in some of the details.  Some of it will be found out by trial and error.  Some of it will be discovered by people who follow the letter of the law, but violate the spirit of the law, and it'll be something that never occurred to us until after somebody tries it.  ("Can I style my hair by plastering it with mud so it sticks up in a big pointed thing on top of my head?"  No, that's ugly.  It wasn't a rule until now.  It's true, mud isn't an artificial, manmade cosmetic chemical, but don't do that.)

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