Wednesday, April 22, 2009

armpit hair

'dude, cut your fucking eyelashes, man. that's disgusting. you can't even see through those things.'

there were two voices talking today - one of them said 'shave your pits!' and the other gave that joking reply. i know they weren't telling me to shave - they were just quoting some people's responses to my photo.

the concept is: with regard to hair, no specific part of the body is better or worse than any other part. why is pit hair disgusting, but eyelashes aren't?

it's disgusting because it probably triggers an involuntary, instinctive, automatic response, and they know they are 'not supposed' to feel that way.

i think it is 'intended' ('intention' implies intelligent design - i won't get into that argument) to tell the infant how to locate the breast for nursing. the armpits are close to the breasts, and if the baby can find the general area by smell, it helps them locate the nipple.

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