Friday, April 17, 2009

the high fertility group

There are a bunch of other rules, but I don't have them as well organized or thought out, and they're also harder to do. Many of the rules are hard to do if you are living in the mainstream world, instead of living in an intentional community. Some of the rules apply to childbirth and childrearing, so they're not applicable to everybody. Most of them are for health reasons. There will also be rules about schooling, marriage, social skills, etc.

There are rules about what kinds of food to eat and what to avoid, rules about chemicals, including ordinary things we take for granted, like metal - I think that touching certain kinds of metal might be bad, because the metal goes through the skin and might affect the body. It's only a theory about metal - I'm interested in how it affects development of the fetus. Weston Price and his observations of the healthy jaws and teeth - instead of this small, underdeveloped jaw that I have, with the teeth that were crooked and got straightened out with braces, along with removing eight of my permanent teeth - that's the type of thing I'm interested in, and Weston Price made it sound like maybe, if I do the right things and avoid the wrong things, my children won't have that problem. Eyesight is also something he mentioned that might not be a problem in primitive cultures - eye problems might not be genetic, but instead, might be a deformity similar to the jaw deformities.

Also, no vaccines. No circumcision at any age, even if it is done with 'consent.' No plastic surgery on any part of the body. I'm still debating about surgery for obvious large deformities or things that cause functional problems, like being unable to eat - I think it should be okay to get surgery for that, but it would have to follow certain rules or guidelines. I don't know enough about that yet. No tooth removals - that rule is hard to follow in mainstream society, and it requires preventing problems in the next generation before they happen. That includes wisdom teeth. Deformities of the wisdom teeth should be prevented, instead of removing the teeth. No dental fillings. At all, of any kind. No braces, no metal or plastic in the mouth. No implants that can't be removed. Do not inject substances into the bloodstream, and that includes removing your own blood and then injecting it back (like when you donate plasma). I think something bad happens to the blood when it's taken out. Don't inject substances into the skin or muscles or anything else either. (People who already have tattoos aren't being excluded. This is only prevention, not exclusion.)

The surface contamination rules are not a big deal if you live in a location where you know that nobody has been handling medicinal herbs or other substances. This is very important for pregnancy and fertility. Women can become infertile if they touch certain chemicals that go through the skin, including 'natural' herbs, and prescription drugs. Men can become infertile (temporarily) that way too, probably, but I don't know enough about that, and it's less of a risk, because it would be easier to fix that - all you have to do is decontaminate the person, and they become fertile again. Whereas a pregnant woman could abort the baby if she is exposed to certain herbs, and that is a big loss. So avoiding transdermal herbs and chemicals is most important for a pregnant woman or for couples trying to conceive.

Rules about clothing are still being developed. I would have some part of the community be 'clothing optional' or nude, but they would still wear clothing when going out in public. I am wondering about the safety of using certain kinds of fabrics. I thought linen would be okay, but I touched linen and it caused breast pain (this was only because of hypersensitivity from the bisphenol-A dental fillings I have now). Linen is from flax, which is estrogenic. So linen might or might not be okay - it might have estrogenic effects. Other fabrics may contain chemicals that affect the development of babies.

Cosmetics are not permitted, and I am testing what happens when you don't use shampoo. There might be some other way to wash the hair without using the chemicals we want to avoid.

Breastfeeding is required for children. Bottle-feeding is forbidden. 'Wet nurses' should be available in the community. Don't use pacifiers. Children should be born at home. Women will crouch or squat or find a comfortable position to give birth in. The 'head too big to fit through the pelvis' problem is a myth. Nowadays, doctors are telling women to get cesaerean sections because they say the baby cannot fit through the bones of the pelvis. This is wrong. The pelvis has a joint and a ligament, and it can move and open up. But it only happens in the standing or squatting postion, and will not open up if the woman is lying on her back on a table while giving birth. All they have to do is allow the woman to stand up instead of lying on her back, and she will get into the position needed to open the joints of the pelvis to allow the baby through. And I can't believe that doctors are ignorant of this, but they are, it's really true. They would rather perform surgery, instead of giving the woman a chance to just stand up and get into a crouching position.

I also learned about something which is called 'attachment parenting.' They let the babies sleep in the same bed with them for instance. Breastfeeding can go on for a very long time, sometimes until about age five. Just breastfeed until the child stops on their own. The high-fertility group isn't trying to have as many babies as it's technically possible to do, using any means necessary. Instead, the babies will be somewhat spaced apart due to the contraceptive effect of breastfeeding. Attachment parenting means a longer period of breastfeeding among other things.

This is all for the high-fertility community. The 'mainstream' section of the community will have a much looser set of rules. The mainstream group is there for economic support, because the more people you have in your group, the more profitable and self-reliant your economy is. The mainstream group is a marketplace. The high-fertility group is more like a religion, a group of people who strictly follow certain rules, and teach those rules to their children.

I'm sure I will think of other rules for the high-fertility group, but that gives you a basic idea. As I said above, the rules aren't organized yet, and many of them are not applicable, or can't be done outside a community, or only apply to the next generation.

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