Monday, April 27, 2009

finally I can get some photos moved onto the PC

After some struggle I got my friend's zip drive working for the laptop, and I deleted some temporary files from the hard drive so that I had enough space. So, I was able to upload photos, and put some onto zip disks and I can now move them from laptop to PC without burning CDs. (I can't upload pictures directly to my PC - wrong Windows version. And I WON'T connect the laptop to the internet - I don't want viruses and stuff on it. So I move photos from the laptop to the PC.) I hate burning CDs because they screw up really frequently, and it's so unreliable and inconsistent. Anyway, there will gradually be more photos now. I will start by taking some boring pictures of trees and flowers, since it's springtime. I also took pictures of the mold on the shelf and in the ceiling.

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