Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Stay safe: change your password to something other than "password"

Forgive me for agreeing to write this blog.  I was on my way to the bookstore, but I needed coffee to wake up, and I 'decided' to go wandering around sightseeing for a while.  I love driving my car and sightseeing, so I didn't mind this, and it was easier than getting out and walking when I felt exhausted and was still sleeping too much today.  I think they must have wanted me to see something specific, though.

'Did that say what I think it said?' A road sign had been hacked into and they changed it to say something that a road sign would not usually say.  I've heard that people change them to say things like 'Zombies Ahead.'  Apparently the signs have a default password that everybody knows, instead of a unique password for every sign.  Anybody can type in that password and change what the sign says.

How many times do I have to tell you, smegma isn't dangerous?  It doesn't cause cancer or any other disease.  It's not something life-threatening.  The most dangerous thing about it is that some people don't like it.  That's some people's opinion.

I guess somebody had to do another foreskin-related prank to fit in with all the other ones.  Most people driving past that sign don't even know what smegma is.  (The sign is on College Avenue in the general area where I used to live, on the way into town.)  If they do know what it is, then they are one of the lucky few.

I am about to go read The Subtle Knife again.  The first book, The Golden Compass (Northern Lights), is about 'intercision,' cutting (this is a spoiler, blah blah) your daemon away from your body, which turns you into a zombie.  (That kind of fits with 'zombies ahead.')  I don't have a lot of time to write about the evils of circumcision or intercision or what happened to me after I mentioned (or was forced to mention) to Judith Swack on the telephone about an unusual sexual fetish that I had since childhood.  I will have to write about that later, but it involved electronic mind control, sexual fantasies, and an imaginary creature being cut away from me.  It's a really neat story and it's the truth, it really happened.  I'll save it for when I get home from the bookstore.

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