Saturday, May 14, 2011

I took off my shoes, set them by a tree, and ran up the wet hill barefoot into the woods.

I wanted to write something happy for once. I went to Fisherman's Paradise earlier today. I went up a path that I had gone up before, but had never finished. The first time I went up the path, weeks ago, it was freezing cold outside, and I turned around and went home. This time, I went all the way to the top.

I was just starting at the bottom of the hill. A groundhog ran under a fallen tree, and I followed it and looked in the hole where it was hiding, and I walked around on the tree. When I jumped off and landed, I looked down at my feet and felt like my sandals were a burden and a nuisance. So I took them off, and took my socks off and put them in the sandals, and set them down beside the tree, and then I ran up the hill barefoot.

There were no stickers, no thorns, on this path, and no rocks. It was just dirt, with some fallen leaves. There was very little poison ivy, but I do know that I've gotten some of it on me, as I feel it itching now, even though I took a shower. But I wasn't worried about that. It was raining and the air was sweet like rotting leaves and honeysuckle.

I went to the top of the path this time, and it ended in a housing development where the land was all bulldozed, and there was a partially built house - a large house. I was thinking that I don't like this, I want to see smaller houses. And I don't to see huge empty lawns that have to be mowed.

I turned around and went home, mostly because I was thirsty. There were water bottles in the car.


I can't stand any human beings. I don't know how I am going to fall in love. I loathe all of them. To whoever reads my blog, I'm sorry, I know that's offensive, since 'everyone' includes all of my blog readers - obviously, I don't mean everyone. But it's how I feel when I am trying to find someone and trying to imagine building a relationship with that person.

I'm not in a good mood right now. I took a walk, but as always, my mind is constantly attacked while I am walking, and there is no peace and quiet, ever. It was refreshing, but it's not as good as being free from the attacks would be.

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