Thursday, May 12, 2011

more dreams when I slept again; complaining about dentists

12:55 PM 5/12/11

I'm tempted to joke about how I just don't have to pay for an internet connection. I'm still able to connect as of today. I'm just waiting for that day when I can't connect, but actually I haven't even gotten an email from warning me that I haven't paid my bill yet. Last time when I did this by accident I had a couple warnings in email. So it might even be a few more weeks before I disconnect. It keeps getting postponed.

I've been a little bit sick today. Every time I eat, I regret it, but I haven't thrown up. So I'm not sure what will happen and I'm hoping it will just go away. By the way, this is a 'not safe for work' kind of blog post, if anyone cares, and I usually assume nobody cares.

I went back to sleep after writing about the dream, and they gave me more dreams. (Yeah, right now, I'm regretting the fact that I tried to eat something a few minutes ago, but I was really, really hungry. I have to be at work at 3:00, so I don't have much time to call off sick if I really do start throwing up.) First, 'they' take it as a sexual symbol if I write about 'cats,' which means 'pussies,' or 'females,' or anything similar to that. (The cat in the dream seemed to be male, actually. And also, he was a 'big and muscular' cat.) So they took it as me being a lesbian, or having a bisexual polyamorous relationship with Rick and his wife, or something like that. They gave me several different dreams about that, some dream about making out with a female (but it wasn't Rick's wife, it was someone I don't know), and then, when they woke me up, they were 'testing' to see whether I reacted badly to the dream or got angry about it. I just didn't care.

I don't call myself bisexual, I call myself 'tolerant,' which means that the idea isn't unthinkable, but I have no active desire to do it, and I'm not making any efforts to be with a female, and I never have in the past, except when a lesbian talked to me in the chatroom years and years ago, and, since I don't do cybersex and have no interest in it and don't get excited about it, it was just me talking to a lesbian in a chatroom.

It's Thursday, and I've been working since Monday. I'm getting more and more tired as the week goes on, but I still haven't used caffeine. I just don't have any energy to do anything this morning, but that's also partly because I am somewhat sick. I want to work fewer days. I have gone through periods where I was (temporarily) working only Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and had the other four days off. (I think I was getting money from my parents during that time.) I want to work like that again, but this time I will be doing bookkeeping work during the week, and McD work on the weekends. Right now, however, I'm not going out and looking for more bookkeeping clients - I want to develop the one that I have right now, and learn whatever I need to learn first. I'm not sure how many hours a week that I will get from him. Once it's all set up, it might only take a little bit of time each week to do his bookkeeping. The setup will take some time, while we figure things out.

I remembered the other dream they gave me. I dreamed that all my teeth fell out. But since I didn't have them extracted by the dentist, I still had stubs of teeth that were at the level of the gumline, and I was able to chew with those. One of the evil and stupid practices that people are doing, and have been doing for a long time now - they were doing it back when Weston Price was researching - is, if someone gets several cavities at once, they advise that person to just have ALL THEIR TEETH REMOVED. Sometimes, you get cavities in every tooth. It happens if you are very sick, pregnant, nursing, on drugs (including chemotherapy, as I know a coworker who has badly damaged teeth from chemotherapy), bulimic, or have other problems that destroy the teeth, for a long time. They don't bother to tell that person that if they change their diet and get off drugs, they are able to remineralize their teeth. They also don't tell them that extraction is worse than just having the teeth break off or fall off, because if they break off on their own, then you are left with at least a little bit of the tooth which you can keep using. So they remove every tooth in someone's mouth and replace them with dentures. And people say yes to this procedure! They let them!

Dentists imply that if you get a cavity, then that tooth is doomed. They make it sound as though the cavity will just get worse and worse, bigger and bigger, and it can never stop. Now there is some truth to the idea that you can't completely regrow parts of the tooth. But you are able to stop the decay and you are able to strengthen the part of the tooth that remains.

The dentists told me years and years ago that all the molars on my left side were doomed because the dentin was exposed on the chewing surfaces. I have chewed down through the enamel, because my jaw is slightly crooked (along with the rest of my face, as one side of my face has always been skewed - I was born with my face slightly smashed on one side), and the left side of my mouth closes a tiny bit before the right side closes, so it wears down the teeth on the left side. The dentists thought that all those teeth would be destroyed because they no longer had enamel protecting the outside of them.

However, years and years later, my teeth are still just fine, there still isn't any enamel on those molars (on the chewing surfaces, although there is still enamel on the sides), they are painless, I can chew comfortably with them, and they don't bother me at all. They haven't been filled with cavities, and nothing has happened to them. But the dentists told me that I would have to get crowns on all of those teeth, or else - no, it was the other thing - they said I would have to get some stuff inlaid into the chewing surfaces, and I forget what it's called. It was totally unnecessary. I've decided that ALL dental work is harmful, dangerous, misleading, unnecessary, and unethical. There might be a few exceptions to that, but hardly ever. You are safer if you just stay as far from dentists as possible. There are so many things you can just ignore, or deal with on your own, without the drill-and-fill methods they use.

I'm actually eagerly waiting for the internet to be shut off, now. I'm sort of disappointed that it hasn't happened yet.


Laura said...

complaining about dentists,,,,,,,I am thinking of having my composites removed now but afraid of what else they would put in and they would have to make a bigger hole to fill. So why bother except the thought of not removing them is an unknown result too. I have read too much stuff now about how bad the composites are- some off formaldehyde etc. Mayans used jade aaah the good old centuries.....
When you look at some cultures they just let their teeth fall out as they age and of course most are not eating a SAD(standard american diet). Japanese never floss I heard like so many things we hear are a MUST it probably isnt....yeah inital business set up is slow until it becomes routine....I have had dreams I madeout with my mom and once had one where I had sex with my brother( at least it was the good looking one LOL) and there is no incest in my family just wierd dreams i obviously could not control and I never lusted after them during waking hours so where did that come from......???? My daughter just brought home a book from school she is suppose to read that is so chemically stinky(new) that I told her she doesnt have to read it!!

Nicole said...

Jade? That's really neat. I never read that before.

omg your dreams, hahah, yeah, that's the kind of thing that sometimes happens in my dreams too - it's like an impossible what-if scenario, like 'How would you feel if THIS happened?' I guess I'm not the only one. Oh yeah, the other thing is the dream about having sex with some totally random person that you're not attracted to at all. That used to happen back when I was in school. Then I'd go a couple of days, looking at that person, wondering if they actually had a crush on me or something, wondering if I was picking up on signals from them and didn't realize it. Sometimes I would temporarily be attracted to them because of the dream but it usually didn't last long.