Saturday, October 9, 2010

Almost the same place as the near miss

I didn't mention that the night before last night, after getting out of McDonald's, I went through Lemont, thinking I might go look for Curtis at his job. I went past Sheetz, the same Sheetz where we all parked, and a car came out of their parking lot, and it looked like Carrie's car, and the people in the car looked like Curtis and Carrie - and I was sure it was them, but it was so dark, I really couldn't see. I almost hit them because they were pulling out of the lot. I said, 'Shit!' and went around them, and decided that I wasn't going to go look for Curtis at his job after all, as it seemed he had already left. I sent him an email about that. I don't know if he got the email.

It was that same Sheetz. The accident wasn't in the same place, but it was in the same general area.

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