Monday, October 11, 2010

Flames of rage: Ipod's internet-only help files!

Available only when connected to the internet! Nothing is saved on the ipod! Guess what, it's not saved on the laptop either! The laptop where the iTunes program is installed has no help file saved on it! NOTHING! It wants me to connect to the internet to look at a help file that *SHOULD BE SAVED ON THE COMPUTER ITSELF* for offline reading! There is absolutely nothing that I can access offline!

The iPod used to have an offline readable instruction manual. You get to it from the bookmarks in the safari browser. But it's been changed! Now, it won't let me read it offline, and it wants me to be connected to the internet to read it! I don't care about 'updates' or 'the most recent information!' I want the basic, simple, nuts-and-bolts information, such as 'how to delete an unwanted free download from my iPod!' I don't want to look online! This is basic stuff that should be saved in a FILE on my COMPUTER!

I am in a bad temper today.

While learning how to use iTunes, I downloaded several big files for free. They were random things just to test it and see if I could figure out how it works. Now I don't want them anymore. It was some kind of university lecture or discussion or something.

On the laptop, in iTunes, when I mouse over a mysterious-looking button that has only these abstract images without words, a bunch of little dots and lines, THERE IS NO POPUP BOX telling me what the little icon MEANS. I am trying to sync my iPod with my laptop so I can delete the file, because I get the impression that that's the easiest way to delete this unwanted download. I can't even sync my iPod with my laptop! The help file isn't on the laptop....

burning flames of rage....

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