Saturday, October 2, 2010

My cheapo camera phone: it sucks, and I love it

I'm looking at the pictures I've taken with that phone, and all I can say is, they suck ass. Really, really bad. The colors are terrible, the image quality is terrible. I've taken pictures with my other digital camera, I've taken high-quality photos and been proud of them... and I'm not proud of the ones I've taken with my camera phone.

And yet, I will take pictures anyway. I've decided that it's better to take a large number of shitty pictures than it is to take no pictures at all.

And one of these days I'll get my other camera set up to easily upload pictures. Right now it's hard to do, because of some technical problems - it's a hassle, so I hardly ever bother to do it.

Today I tried to create a Fakebook account so I could see the drama on Curtis & Carrie's pages. However, I wasn't able to create a Fakebook account because my browser wouldn't show me the Captcha image. I have some browser problems that need to be fixed. It's on my to-do list.

It's good that I haven't been looking at their pages. I was bringing my iPod to McDonald's and glancing at their pages while I was at work, and writing emails to Carrie, because she's acting like an Enneagram Type Nine and she's being nice to everybody. I mentioned this a few days ago - I said, she has to be nice to everybody, including her husband's creepy stalker. (He's not her husband yet, but he will be.)

So it's best that I'm not looking at their pages. I told them to make their pages private so that I wouldn't be able to see them whenever I, inevitably, created a Fakebook account to look at them. (I had two other Fakebook accounts already... and I deleted those at the same time that I deleted my RealBook account.)

There is something that the voices have been doing. They have been reminding me of how much I loved him, how I felt about him, how intense and real the love was. There are some lines from songs that make me think of it. I love the song 'Back on the chain gang' by The Pretenders. 'I found a picture of you... those were the happiest days of my life / like a break in the battle was your part / in the wretched life of a lonely heart.' Sometimes that line makes me cry. I understand it. Those were the happiest days of my life. I need to love someone. And I am either a hebephile or an ephebophile: I don't feel strongly attracted to fully grown adults. I only like skinny young teenage boys, instead of adults, and I don't feel attracted to big muscular men at all.

I can think of only one way to surround myself with teenagers. I would like to adopt them. I won't be having sex with my adopted teenage children. But I will have the joy of being close to them, possibly hugging them, giving to them, and living with them. And I can adopt an infinite number of teenage children. I have read about adoption. There are other people besides me who like to adopt lots of teenage children. Just being close to them is enough. Just seeing them every day and looking in their eyes. Just hearing their voices and watching them and seeing all the things that they do. That is the way to surround myself with teenagers. I have, indeed, been planning to do that, in the future.

That has nothing to do with my camera phone. I changed the subject. .. You know, wasn't there an age limit on adoption? I think in some states there is. That doesn't make sense though.

Adoption is the solution for creepy pedophiles like me to have teenagers around you at all times. And I'm one of those creepy pedophiles who has so much self-restraint, and so much inhibition, and so much touch-phobia, that I can barely even pat somebody on the shoulder without feeling like a disgusting creep. So there's nothing to worry about.

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