Friday, March 11, 2011

Evil belief systems - Guantanamo

I went home sick from work today so I am not in the mood to write a long blog.

They wanted me to mention this person, Sami Al-Hajj, because he was a journalist. They decided this was important enough that I shouldn't be allowed to just sleep the way I wanted to, and instead, they thought they should buzz the bubbles in my stomach and intestines over and over and over again while burning me with a forced urge to get up and write a blog, even though I felt like sleeping. Apparently all they wanted me to say was that he was a journalist and that I had been noticing journalists because I had read that they were often IEEs.

I read the last couple lines in that article where he said he was shocked that George Bush got reelected. He got reelected because the vote computers were hacked. Not because of the electronic voting machines, but because of the ordinary, insecure computers where the vote numbers get recorded in an ordinary, insecure Excel file connected to an ordinary, insecure internet connection. The Excel files are sent over the internet to other computers where the numbers are totaled up. Hackers blatantly changed the numbers in some areas. That was the last straw that made me give up voting. I had already been aware that 'everything is already hacked' because of my computer harassment that had been going on since 2000 or so. So I wasn't surprised to see someone wrote an article about vote hacking. Anyway, I would like to tell Sami Al-Hajj that *we* didn't vote George Bush back into office.

Evidence mounts that the vote may have been hacked

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