Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Weston Price, for anyone who doesn't feel like googling it

This shows some of the photographs from the book.

I should mention that I don't unconditionally believe EVERY SINGLE THING that all of the Weston Price followers believe, and I don't believe every single thing mentioned on the PPNF page. I was looking through that page and saw some things that I disagree with. I don't think it's good to take cod liver oil, for instance - I've tried some of these things and had bad reactions to them. I usually react badly to anything that's been concentrated and put into pill form. Also, you have to be cautious about how you eat some of the things that the book, and the website, and the followers, talk about, for instance, bone marrow, which I will never stop mentioning, because many different people talk about eating that. It will cause extremely severe vomiting, among other things.

I don't unquestioningly believe every single word of it all. However, I do believe in the general idea: that a particular type of nutrition will strongly contribute to preventing deformities in your children, and also, that you must avoid environmental poisons (and figure out what those poisons are!). The main idea is that those deformities are not genetic. They are caused by the environment, and by malnutrition, and they are preventable.

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