Saturday, March 12, 2011

Rational versus irrational types; and, seeing a particular function operating in someone's Twitter feed.

9:47 AM 3/12/11

Warning: Everything that I wrote here is probably going to make some people anxious. I'm not trying to make everyone say, 'Uh-oh, do I do that?' and then worry about every word they say! That's not what I'm getting at. This is something I'm going through as I learn and understand socionics. I'm explaining the reactions that I have felt for a long time without having the words or concepts to express WHY these things bothered me or felt unnatural and foreign to me.

Another warning: NOT ALL emotional judgments are negative judgments or criticisms. People don't necessarily have to express negative emotions all the time; in fact, I want to know the reasons why some people always feel negative; and in fact, this is something that I was going to write about but don't have time to write about: the physical illnesses that cause people to express particular emotions and behaviors, such as constantly criticising people, expressing epithets of hate, and so on, but also myself, as I have 'writing addiction,' and also, there is a phrase 'we' have been using in the past couple days, which is 'you'll do anything to stop the pain.'

I need to write all about this but don't have time today. 'You'll do anything to stop the pain' is very important. Constant unavoidable pain causes people to express negative emotions and behaviors and bad habits. I am interested in what causes constant unavoidable pain. It is physical. When I see something like this person's writing, I wonder why they are in so much pain so much of the time. But meanwhile, the socionics functions explain why this person is focused on particular things... and also, I myself am focused on different things and expressing my pain and negativity in different ways than this. I am frustrated because I have a lot to say and don't have time for it all. I am expressing pain too, by the fact that I avoid doing physical work that I want to do, avoid trying to achieve goals, and instead spend all of my spare time writing blogs when I really need to do things that are very, very important to me. But it isn't written as a constant stream of epithets, the way it is in some people. It's more visible to me there than it is here.

Note: in that person's twitter feed that I gave as an example, I am only noticing their negative judgments. In real life, they would give tons more information. This is a tiny sample. They would have positive reactions too, lots of them. I need to mention here that I am uncomfortable when I read somebody who's expressing a large number of POSITIVE judgments too! I simply don't like to hear or read people who are constantly expressing a stream of emotional judgments, whether they are positive or negative. This person isn't necessarily 'being negative all the time.' Instead, I am having an unpleasant reaction to them BECAUSE THEY ARE EXPRESSING JUDGMENTS. They could be saying 'He was so nice to me today! I loved it!' or 'that person was very thoughtful and kind,' but I still feel uncomfortable reading that.

(*What are the causes of constant pain? A list: electromagnetic pollution - being surrounded by radio frequencies all the time; a wide variety of foods, particular foods such as polyunsaturated vegetable oils, which trigger arthritis; other vegetables such as tomatoes, green peppers, eggplants, and the rest of the 'solanum family' if I recall correctly, which can also trigger rheumatoid arthritis; dental fillings and any and all implanted objects which constantly poison the body, including things like metal plates and metal pins implanted into broken bones; drug and poison residues, and also, objects made of toxic substances that go through skin but which are taken for granted as safe substances when they are actually not safe (for instance, all objects made of metal will leach small quantities of metal into and through the skin into the body when you touch them, wear jewelry, sit on metal chairs, etc, so you get very low-level metal poisoning from touching things like stainless steel, but it's worse when you touch the most toxic metals, and steel in particular is one of the LESS harmful metals to touch); air pollution; the lack of negative ions and lack of humidity in the air (although some people say that they like to go to Arizona, for instance, because of the low humidity); mold poisoning and other forms of environmental illness; vaccine damage and chronic infection caused by vaccines; weather conditions; I could write a very long list of things which can trigger or cause constant chronic low level pain. The point is that constant discomfort causes people to be always skewed in a negative direction and to interpret everything negatively, but their particular way of expressing themselves, and the particular information they focus on and how they process it, is determined by their sociotype.*)

All of this applies to electronic mind control and puppets. It is EXTREMELY frustrating to be an irrational type (me) being controlled and operated, very badly, by rational types (them, whoever they are). Many times they have tried to force me to do things, say things, and think things, which to me feel totally wrong and stupid, resulting in terrible conflicts and me calling them 'morons' constantly. You can't adequately control somebody who has an incompatible type with you - you will always be in conflict when you try to make them believe something, say something, or do something that is unnatural to them. Everything that you force them to do must be compatible with their own type.

I *love* the concept of rational versus irrational socionics types! This idea is so helpful for me to understand everything I see and read. It turns out that the people who feel like 'not me,' and the people who I strongly dislike, are an irrational type who constantly express emotional judgments of other people. I can give an example:

I just happened to see this person because 'they' told me to search for 'dreadlocks' on twitter and to make a comment about how I am able to use the mobile version of the dreadlockssite page. When I searched for that, I saw lots of 'emotional judgments' about dreadlocks, usually complaints about white people wearing dreadlocks, which is something I complained about in the dreadlocks forum the other day (or rather, I joined in the discussion with people who were complaining about the dreadlocks racism thing).

I accidentally found out that the website I see on my iPod isn't the same website that I see on my home computer, so I copied the mobile address because MOBILE SITES ARE THE ONLY ONES WORTH USING. They are clean, efficient, small, fast, light, and minimal in every possible way. I wish all websites were mobile websites, and I dread the day when mobile phones have huge memories so that it becomes easy to make big, huge, messy mobile websites filled with ads and images and garbage. We still live in a time when mobile phones don't have enough memory space to view huge, bulky, clunky, inefficient websites full of garbage. I enjoyed reading the official standards for web accessibility on mobile sites... what's that page? It also applies to handicapped accessibility.

This also applies to people who don't believe in spending thousands of dollars to buy a new computer every time Microsoft makes a new version of Windows. I am still using Windows 98 and will keep on using it until I can no longer see a single thing on the web at all. It also applies to people who don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on cable instead of dialup, and people who don't want to spend all of their time and energy using the internet to look at videos and music and games (which require a high-speed internet connection), people who want to just barely use a minimal connection for things like email and viewing the web (mostly reading text).

Irrational versus rational: Rational types are people who judge quickly and often. They either use: logic or ethics. This concept came from Carl Jung and it is used in socionics. Irrational types are people who judge less often, with more delay, and tend to keep on perceiving new information and also communicating less-processed information to others (just tell them something and let them infer the judgments themselves). But also, there is always a feeling behind it (when I'm writing), an emotion in there somewhere, so it is not completely unprocessed and it is not completely without emotion - it's just in the background and implied. But look at the way my blog is written, and compare it to that person on Twitter.

By the way, either I copied the wrong page, or this person didn't say anything about dreadlocks. I think I might have accidentally copied page 2 instead of page 1 of their twitter feed. I was sure that I found them mentioning dreadlocks. And this might actually be a male - I thought it was a female at first but then they said 'like I'm some dickhead,' which suggests male. I had a hard time finding anything on their 'about' page. - No, it's a female, it says their name is Amy.

after all these years i finally found my birth mark! yessss baby!
6 minutes ago

amsssx stop baiting your life out, no one cares. attention seeking bitch.
33 minutes ago

amsssx looking forward to later on :3
about 1 hour ago

amsssx don't ever in your pathetic existence call me darling.
about 1 hour ago

amsssx old schooooool bangers while i'm relaxing in the bath :)
about 1 hour ago

amsssx just get out of our lives.
about 1 hour ago

amsssx mmm need to go shopping soon.
about 1 hour ago

amsssx shut your spade face up..
about 1 hour ago

amsssx oh gosh. just seen pictures of these girls wearing bikini's & don't think they noticed they haven't shaved down below, shame on them HAHAHA!
about 1 hour ago

amsssx if you want it you can get it for the rest of your life.
about 1 hour ago

amsssx hate it when people broadcast about telling people not broadcast.. you're broadcasting yourself, dummy.
about 1 hour ago

amsssx everything i do, i do it biggggg.
about 1 hour ago

amsssx suns nice from inside my house, probably cold outside still.
about 2 hours ago

amsssx 1xtra is going in today!
about 2 hours ago

amsssx people getting gassed over the sun like they're in turkey or something, just seen girls with shorts crop tops & sandals on..
about 2 hours ago

amsssx can't wait for my birthday :)
about 2 hours ago

amsssx don't appreciate being taken for a mug.
about 2 hours ago

amsssx do i look stupid? i've been here for you & you go & chat to him like i'm some dickhead. you crazy bitch.
about 2 hours ago

amsssx the water looks so dirty on takeshi's castle :/
about 2 hours ago

amsssx really wana go on takeshi's castle, looks sick. i'd be toooo good :)

My reaction is: I strongly dislike this person and want nothing to do with them, ever. (Note: I tolerate this slightly better if it's coming from a male, but when it's coming from a female, I stay as far away as possible.)

(Warning: as soon as I wrote all this, I started having doubts about my interpretation. So all of this could be totally wrong.)

But now that I know about the ethical rational type, I recognize it. It is a constant stream of 'processed information,' fast judgments, 'emotionally charged epithets' such as 'bitch' being used frequently, and that kind of thing. If the person is happy, healthy, and comfortable, then a large number of the emotional judgments will be positive and pleasant. If the person is physically sick, unhealthy, stressed, in a bad situation, socially inferior and in conflict with other people, and so on, then the stream of judgments will be a stream of negative epithets expressing hate. This also results from the enneagram type.

DISCLAIMER: I might be wrong about all of this. As soon as I start writing something like this, and as soon as I post it, I know that I will be bombarded with differing opinions and differing interpretations and so on, because as of right now, I am an inexperienced 'typer,' just an armchair socionist who hasn't finished reading all of the information that I need to learn in order to recognize the functions that I see people doing.

Maybe, instead of calling it 'the ethical rational type' that I am seeing, instead of assuming that this is their 'type,' you can say, instead, that you are 'seeing a particular function in action.' What you are looking at in that person's twitter feed is a particular function which, for whatever reason, is very visible in that person. My understanding is that this is the extraverted ethics function, but you still don't know for sure which position it is in, in their type, and you don't know which type they are. There are several different types who have extraverted ethics somewhere in their ego block. And I should be careful using the phrase 'ego block,' because actually, I need to go look that up again: I am trying to refer to 'the top box,' the first two functions, but I think 'the ego block' might be referring to the first FOUR functions, the entire 'box' that's on top in 'Model A.' There are two boxes, the mental ring and the vital ring. I need to be sure I know what I'm referring to when I say 'ego block.'

These types have extraverted ethics in their ego block:


Here is a huge block quote: I might as well include it all.

The first row of Model A (functions 1 and 2) is called the Ego block. These functions describe the aspects of reality that a person perceives with the greatest depth and clarity and verbalizes with the greatest ease. The Ego block also describes the most natural and common states of mind and behavior styles used when interacting with other people, and also a certain perspective that a person injects into the things he says.

The information aspects that corresponds to the Ego block elements are things that a person can't help spontaneously commenting on and is comfortable discussing out loud (especially true of the leading function). If something is not right in these areas, a person can barely continue until he has spoken out about it and done something to fix the problem. When problems arise, the people who are most likely to point them out are those whose perception of that aspect of reality comes from the Ego block.

The Ego block functions require a constant stream of new information and stimulation (whether by direct experience, observation, study, or reflection) and quickly sort through this information, recognizing what is useful and necessary and what is not. When exposed to the types of information corresponding to the elements of the Ego block, a person takes immediate note and quickly forms his own attitude or opinion on the matter. He is more confident of his own judgments in these areas than of other people's, even if those people are widely accepted authorities. Instinctively, people are likely to overuse these functions and apply them in practically any area, even when their relevance is minimal. This makes the ego functions (and in particular the base function) more obvious to a casual observer than the other functions.

The Ego block describes a person's preferred and most comfortable and natural role or "mode of operation" when interacting with other people. When a person gets to use his Ego block functions in interaction, he becomes lively and confident and exudes an air of authority and expertise. These functions also have the most endurance; a person can use them longer than other functions without getting worn out.

The Ego block functions imply a certain perspective or set of values since they are the most preferred approaches to solving life problems, giving advice, and achieving one's goals. The individual wants to see society become more like himself and wants to instill his personal philosophy or values in his work activities, his living space, and the people around him. For a person to feel needed and fulfilled, he has to see that his unique perspective is making a difference somewhere. The areas where a person is most likely to make a difference correspond to the Ego block elements. They are called Ego exactly because they are so naturally identified with one's own perspective, ideals, and identity.

The Ego functions are mostly indifferent to praise, since it is very hard to tell a person something about these aspects of himself that he didn't already know - and can easily describe to others. Moreover, when others display misunderstanding of these elements, he feels that it is his right and duty to correct them.

I have to finish this up and post it even though I'm not done.

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