Sunday, March 13, 2011

JK Rowling's type

(*Edit. I changed my mind about this later.  Other people have typed her as being ILI.  I might or might not agree with them.  I had to edit this because somebody actually looked at this old post recently, and I always sort of forget that people might read my old posts, and I forget that I had different opinions back then which I've changed my mind about.*)

Today's theory: JK Rowling is an EIE. I'll have to write more later. I also never wrote about long hair, which had been "their" request anyway. They want me to argue for it. But I agree so I will. Anyway JK Rowling... She's definitely rational. She made a plan and stuck to it for all those years through 7 books. "rational" means their type ends with J, not rational the way Ayn Rand meant it (logical). Or the type starts with E (ethical) or L (logical) INS ocionics. I'm going to leave that amusing autocorrected typo the way it is.

I hear a radio commercial for cosmetic surgery and that reminds me. She has had facelifts or whatever and married a surgeon. I could talk about types that tend to get facelifts and also pluck their eyebrows down to a line that's like one hair wide. Those are the epitome of disvalues to me. No time to complain about doctors now, but I will later. They cut off or permanently destroy body parts and throw them in the garbage forever instead of troubleshooting them, and they only listen to "government sponsored placebo controlled tests" and they tell you to ignore your own senses, and ignore ALL anecdotal observations ON PRINCIPLE merely because they are anecdotes as such and all anecdotes as such are inherently (spell checker says: "in here fly") wrong, especially if they were made by ordinary non-government mortals like you because your senses aren't a controlled experiment. I could gripe about which functions I think those are, but oh well.

I also want to write about the downsides of her books and misgivings I had when I started reading them.

She might be an LIE too. But I don't see her as an introvert. Her books are so full of people with so many separate motives and plotlines of their own and she gives them all a believable motive of their own. I'm typing at work because we are so slow right now.

I'm having a residue reaction that causes: 1. ranting and complaining, and 2. Excessive sexuality and 3. Looking in people's eyes without anxiety until they look away.

Another suspected SLI here was on drugs and that brings out the worst: complaining loudly about people getting into his perfectly kept toolbox and taking away the tools and not bringing them back. That's legit, but it was one long loud complaint after another for many minutes. He might be an LSI or something else altogether but I think SLI maybe. Not sure. He hadn't slept in over 24 hours (long story) and was using lots of caffeine.

I'll have to write more later and will probably change the whole theory.

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