Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Ghostbusters Project - Not quite ready yet

11:21 AM 3/6/11

They're encouraging me to start a ghostbusters project. I've thought about this for a long time. (One of my first thoughts this morning was, 'I'll have to go buy a Ghostbusters T-Shirt somewhere.') In the ghostbusters project, I tolerate other people's different interpretations of their experiences. That means I will include everything: psychic, paranormal, ghosts, demons, etc. in addition to electronic harassment. When I include those groups of people, the numbers are much larger. I must be willing to tolerate beliefs and interpretations that I don't agree with.

When the interpretations are different, people want to take different actions to solve the problem. For instance, if you have ghosts, then the thing to do might be: light some candles, get some church person to walk around your house saying prayers, and that kind of thing. So I will have to explain from the beginning that that won't be my approach. All that I can do is research and observe what's happening, and I will need to get devices that can measure electromagnetic fields and that kind of thing, whatever I need.

I don't have any measurement tools yet, so all I can do now is talk to people about it. I can hear their stories, and get used to tolerating other people's beliefs, and I know that this will be uncomfortable for me, so I must find a way to be honest and tell the truth, while also accepting their beliefs. I will have to find some objective way of looking at it and recording their information, without promising them anything that I can't or won't do (such as, get rid of the ghosts by using prayers).

I will have to start very small with this project, since I don't have any tools at all except my brain. (Someone might be tempted to joke that I'm going to throw my brain at the ghosts or something.)

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