Thursday, April 21, 2011

I can't stand this woman

I have PMS, I'm not in a good mood, and I'm on lunch break watching this stupid bitch of a mother getting mad at her son. The son did something to the daughter, and I didn't see what it was, but he was playing. He accidentally bumped her in a way that spilled or splashed her milk on her. He was horrified, he backed away, he said "sorry!" and stood there looking awkward and scared. The mother said "get some napkins for your sister!" in an angry voice. "I said I'm sorry!" he said, and then ran to get the napkins. The girl wasn't all that upset - she knew it was only an accident. The stupid bitch mother said, "He shouldn't have been doing that. He's gonna get his butt snapped."

Do not hit your children unless they are in a life threatening emergency and you need to make them stop immediately, like, sticking their fingers in a plug outlet or running in front of a car, etc - and don't "punish" them, just do whatever you have to do to stop what they're doing.

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